Coming from the Lord
His House, Spirit, and Life
When I Live His Commandments
Everlasting as long as I am with Him

The attributes of the Holy Spirit include_________

A. Creator            C.Omnipresent

B. Omniscient       D. Omnipotent

E. All of the Above

All of the Above


 Praise is a unique type of prayer because in it, we _________ and ________ God.

A. Ask for help; Argue with  

B. Thank; Glorify

C. Wrestle with; Grumble against

D. Ask for possessions; Demand them

Thank; Glorify


St. Paul wrote ______ epistles.

A. 10     C. 2

B. 5       D. 14

14 epistles


Some of the obstacles the devil puts in our way to discourage us form confessing include… 

A. Thinking that our sins are too big to be forgiven 

B. Postponing confession 

C. Thinking our sins are minor and don’t need to be confessed 

D. Embarrassment from confessing to Abouna 

E. All of the above

All of the Above


The analogy of _________ and _________ can be used to explain the Holy Trinity.

A. A hexagon      C. The sun, an equilateral triangle

B. A square        D. A square, the sun 

C. The sun, an equilateral triangle 


The word “Hoos” means _________. 

a. Psalm    c. Praise

b. Deacon  d. Hymn
