Lesson 4: The Church Structures and Its Meanings
Lesson 5: Peace in Our Distress
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What are the 3 shapes that are used to build a church?

Ark, the Cross and a Circle


Where was St. Theognosta originally from?



How many times does Abouna anoint the baby with the Holy Myron?

36 times


 Why was Jesus born in a manger?

When they arrived in Bethlehem, they found the city very crowded, and it was time for Baby Jesus to be born. St. Joseph couldn’t find a place except for a manger


 What verse shows how beautiful our church is?

“ How lovely is Your tabernacle, O Lord of hosts” (Psalm 84:1)


What is an icon?

An icon is a picture anointed with holy Myron oil


What important church event is also on the day of St. Theognosta’s departure?

The Feast of the Cross


What day did St. Theognosta depart?

Toot 17


What was St. Joseph’s job?

He was a carpenter


What verse explains why St. Theognosta was not afraid when she was taken as a slave?

“You are my hiding place; You shall preserve me from trouble” (Psalm 32:7)


 How does the shape of the circle resemble God?

Because a circle doesn't have a start or an end just like Our Lord


Why wasn’t St. Theognosta afraid when she was taken as a slave?

St. Theognosta was not afraid, because she knew that our Lord was with her all the time, protecting her from any danger.


What happened to St. Theognosta when the messengers of the King of India were visiting the King of Rome?

On their way back to their country, they saw the nun Theognosta alone outside the monastery. They took her to their country and made her a slave to their queen.


What did St. Mark write that was given to Saint Annianus and the rest of the priests?

The Divine Liturgy


What verse explains to us that God, who came to earth to save us and gave us our beautiful church, the church that protects us, and helps us to grow day after day in our faith, allows us to live our life in peace and without fear?

 “The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear?” (Psalm 27:1)


Who was the first one to be anointed with the Holy Myron in Egypt?

St. Anianas and his family when they were baptized by St. Mark


What miracle was done directly to the king of India that made him believe fully in our Lord Jesus Christ?

One day, the king went out hunting with his men in the woods. Suddenly, a dark cloud covered them, and a strong wind blew. They got lost, and everyone felt scared. The king then remembered St. Theognosta and how she always prayed to the Lord Jesus Christ and the Lord Jesus made her strong when she made the sign of the cross. The king cried out asking the Lord Jesus to save him, and immediately he saw the sign of the cross like a light in front of him. The sign of the cross guided them until they entered the city.


What does Our Lord hold in His hands in the icon of the Bosom of the Father?

He holds the Globe in one hand and the Shepherd's staff in the other hand


How many priests and deacons did St. Mark ordain in Egypt?

3 priests and 7 deacons


What verse describes that we should keep the faith that was given to us by our forefathers and to teach it to others from generation to generation?

 “Keep the traditions just as I delivered them to you” (1 Corinthians 11:2)


Why is the Baptistry room the first room we see when we enter the church?

Because The Sacrament of Baptism is the only door that we can enter to the church to enjoy its beautiful sacraments


What miracles did St. Theognosta do for the royal family of India?

1. One day, the king’s son got very sick. All the doctors and magicians could not make him feel better. The queen asked Theognosta to pray for him because she saw her pray a lot to her God. Saint Theognosta prayed to our Lord to help and heal the boy. Our Lord heard her prayer and made him healthy again.                
2. After a little while, the queen got sick. She asked Theognosta to pray for her. God answered her prayers, and the queen got better.


Why does the picture of The Bosom of the Father show The Lord Jesus holding the globe?

Because He is the Pantocrator who made everything and watches over us with His strong power


How is mankind different from the rest of God’s creations?

Man is the only one whom God created in His image and likeness.


What did the angel who appeared in St. Joseph's dreams tell him about St. Mary?

“She will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name JESUS, for He will save His people from their sins” (Matthew 1: 21).