The body's ability to resist pathogens and disease is called ________blank.

1. immunity

2. fomite

3. ergonomics

4. infectiousness

5. exogenous infection

What is immunity?


The condition in which pathogens are absent or controlled is ________blank.

1. immunity

2. normal flora

3. a subclinical case

4. endogenous infection

5. asepsis

What is asepsis? 


When a person develops food poisoning after eating at a restaurant salad bar, the most likely form of transmission is ________blank.

1. bloodborne

2. animal-borne

3. foodborne

4. vector-borne

5. airborne

What is foodborne?


The OSHA Standard Precautions apply to which of the following?

1. intact skin

2. sweat

3. human hair

4. fingernails and toenails

5. blood

What is blood?


Droplets from coughs or sneezes can carry up to ________blank feet.

1. 1

2. 2

3. 3

4. 4

5. 5

What is three?


Which type of infection is caused when a healthcare worker transfers staph bacteria from his hands to a surgical site?

1. endogenous infection

2. opportunistic infection

3. healthcare-associated infection

4. exogenous infection

5. susceptible host

What is exogenous infection?


A medical assistant can help break the cycle of infection in the office by ________blank.

1. eating a well-balanced diet

2. posting a sign that no patients with colds are allowed

3. maintaining strict housekeeping standards

4. administering antibiotics to all patients

5. placing a sharps container in the reception area

What is maintaining strict housekeeping standards?  


The most important aseptic procedure for a medical assistant is ________blank.

1. proper hand hygiene

2. stocking the office with housekeeping equipment

3. dusting the furniture in the waiting room

4. periodically vacuuming and sweeping the floors

5. providing tissues to patients with colds

What is proper hand hygiene? 


Which guideline is vital when handling hazardous waste?

1. Push intact contaminated needles into the biohazardous waste container for sharps.

2. Break off or recap needles after use.

3. Open, empty, and clean reusable sharps containers by hand.

4. Place a biohazardous container in a secondary container when there is a danger of puncturing the primary container.

5. Keep biohazardous waste containers open at all times.

What is Place a biohazardous container in a secondary container when there is a danger of puncturing the primary container?


Patient education brochures should not exceed the ________blank reading level.

1. twelfth-grade

2. tenth-grade

3. sixth-grade

4. fifth-grade

5. third-grade

What is sixth-grade?


What type of infection is caused by a microorganism that is normally beneficial or harmless to humans?

1. endogenous infection

2. opportunistic infection

3. healthcare-associated infection

4. exogenous infection

5. susceptible host

What is endogenous infection? 


A reservoir host who is unaware of the presence of the pathogen and so spreads the disease is a ________blank.

1. vector

2. carrier

3. fomite

4. pathogen

5. susceptible host

What is a carrier?


Aseptic hand washing includes ________blank.

1. turning the faucets on and off with wet hands

2. adjusting the temperature of the water to cool

3. using bar soap

4. keeping your hands lower than your forearms

5. turning the water off before drying your hands

What is keeping your hands lower than your forearms?


According to OSHA, Category I tasks

1. do not involve risk of exposure.

2. involve tasks such as taking a patient's blood pressure.

3. do not require any special precautions.

4. involve tasks such as giving mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

5. expose a worker to blood, body fluids, or tissues.

What is expose a worker to blood, body fluids, or tissues?


Which of the following is an example of how a medical office benefits from patient education?

1. Patients are charged for patient education, so the office makes more money.

2. Compliance with preoperative education lessens the chance that the procedure will have to be rescheduled.

3. Patients call the office more frequently with questions.

4. Office personnel can develop printed material based on their own life experiences.

5. Office staff can spend more time on the telephone.

What is Compliance with preoperative education lessens the chance that the procedure will have to be rescheduled?


The infection cycle begins when a pathogen is established in the ________blank.

1. means of entrance

2. reservoir host

3. susceptible host

4. means of transmission

5. means of exit

What is the reservior host?


Respiratory diseases such as tuberculosis are often transmitted by ________blank.

1. bloodborne transmission

2. foodborne transmission

3. airborne transmission

4. vector-borne transmission

5. fomite transmission

What is airborne transmission? 


The appropriate way to handle and dispose of contaminated sharps is to ________blank.

1. place used sharps in a rigid, leakproof, puncture-resistant biohazardous waste container

2. recap used sharps

3. keep disposable and reusable sharps in the same container

4. wash off sharps with soap and water

5. bend used sharps so that they cannot be reused

What is place used sharps in a rigid, leakproof, puncture-resistant biohazardous waste container?


According to OSHA, Category III tasks

1. do not require any precautions other than hand hygiene.

2. involve tasks such as assisting with minor surgical procedures.

3. involve risk of exposure to bodily fluids.

4. involve tasks such as giving mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

5. expose a worker to blood, body fluids, or tissues.

What is do not require any precautions other than hand hygiene?


Preventive healthcare includes health-promoting behaviors, screening, and ________blank.

1. treatment for individual symptoms

2. rehabilitation

3. surgery

4. chemotherapy

5. physical therapy

What is rehabilitation? 


An individual into whom a pathogen has been transmitted and who has little or no immunity to infection by that organism is a ________blank.

1. reservoir host

2. carrier

3. susceptible host

4. vector

5. fomite

What is a susceptible host?


A living organism that carries microorganisms from an infected person to another person is called a(n) ________blank.

1. fomite

2. vector

3. antigen

4. microphage

5. macrophage

What is a vector?


Red bags or bags that have a biohazardous waste label are used for ________blank.

1. chemicals used in the medical office

2. used lancets and needles

3. broken glassware

4. dressings contaminated with blood or body fluids

5. shredded medical documents

What is dressings contaminated with blood or body fluids?


The federal administration that was created in 1970 to help protect employee safety in the workplace is ________blank.


2. CDC

3. AMA



What is OSHA?


The first level of disease and illness prevention is ________blank.

1. adopting health-promoting behaviors

2. symptom management

3. screening

4. surgery

5. rehabilitation

What is adopting health-promoting behaviors?