Gas Law Definitions
Boyle's Law
Charle's Law
Grahams Law
Gay-Lussac's Law

What are the Properties of a Gas?

Gases are compressible

Gases have low densities

Gases mix 

A gas fills a container completely and evenly in all directions


A gas occupies 6.71 mL and its pressure is 6 atm. What is the new pressure if the volume is changed to 8.93 mL?

The new pressure is 4.51 atm.


A gas occupies 3.63L at 32 degrees Celsius. What is the new volume if the temperature is changed to 67 degrees Celsius?

The new volume is 4.05L


A basketball weighs 20 ounces and a tennis ball weighs 10 ounces. If the basketball rolls down a hill at 35 mph, what is the velocity of the tennis ball with the same kinetic energy?

The velocity of the tennis ball is 49 mph


A balloon at 8.4 degrees celsius has a pressure of 12.1 atm. What is the new temperature if the pressure is changed to 16 atm to the balloon? (in celsius)

The new temperature is 99 degrees celsius


What's the relationship between Pressure and Volume?

As one goes up, the other goes down


A gas occupies 33.4 L at a pressure of 3 atm. What's the new volume if the pressure is changed to 7.63 atm?

The new volume is 13.1 L


A gas occupies 623mL at 90 degrees Celsius. What is the new temperature is the volume is changed to 240L? (in Celsius)

The new temperature is -133.2 degrees celsius 


A marble weighs 1.5 ounce and a ping pong ball weighs 1 ounce. If the ping pong ball falls from a building at 60 mph, what is the velocity of the marble with the same kinetic energy?

The velocity of the marble is 49 mph


A cup of water has a temperature of 50.45 degrees celsius and a pressure of 18.51 atm. If the temperature rises to 90.68 degrees celsius, what will the new pressure be?

The new pressure will be 20.81 atm.


What are the factors that affect a gas?





450 mL of a gas is at 910 torr. What's the new volume if the gas is at standard pressure?

The new volume is 536 mL.


At 14 degrees Celsius a gas occupies 12L. What is the volume at standard temperature? 

The volume is 11.41L


A large model airplane weighs 35 ounces and a paper airplane weighs 1.7 ounces. If the model airplane is flown at 75 mph, what is velocity of the paper airplane with the same kinetic energy?

The velocity of the paper airplane 340 mph.


A chicken has a temperature of 104 degrees celsius and a pressure of 36.9 atm. What is the new temperature if the pressure changes to 41.2 atm? (in celsius)

The new temperature is 148 degrees celsius


What is Diffusion?

Two gases in the same container will mix


A gas occupies 400 L and its pressure is 49.2 mmHg. What is the new pressure if the volume is changed to 250 L?

The new pressure is 78.7 mmHg


a gas occupies 23L at -21 degrees Celsius. What is the temperature if the volume is changed to 150L? (in Celsius)

The new temperature is 1370 degrees celsius 


A slingshot can shoot out a rock at 20 mph. It can also shoot out a bouncy ball at 35 mph. The rock weighs 8 ounces and the bouncy ball weighs 6 ounces. What is the kinetic energy of each?

The kinetic energy of the rock is 1,600. The kinetic energy of the ball is 3,675.


Coals are at a temperature of 212 degrees celsius and a pressure of 100 atm. What will the temperature be if the pressure increases to 215 atm? (in celsius)

The new temperature is 770 degrees celsius


What is Effusion?

The rate in which a gas moves through an opening 


A gas occupies 21L and its pressure is 2,100 torr. whats the new volume at standard pressure?

The new volume is 57.96 L.


At 36 degrees Celsius a gas occupies 370mL. What's the volume at standard temperature?

The new volume is 326.9mL


A canon shoots out two iron balls with different masses. The velocity of the bigger iron ball is 15 mph and the velocity of the smaller iron ball is 20 mph. They have a kinetic energy of 1250. What is the mass of the two iron balls? (ounces)

The bigger iron ball is 11.1 ounces and the smaller iron ball is 6.25 ounces. 


A computer hs a temperature of -25 degrees celsius and a pressure of 45 atm. What is the new temperature if the pressure changes to 28 atm? (in celsius)

The new temperature is -119 degrees celsius