How do you think Maia performed at her first hula dance performance?
What does the word brilliant mean in
There are some brilliant Youtubers. The way they edit their videos and add graphics involves a lot of skill. It is not easy, but they do it so well.
Smart, intelligent
What is the temperature like at Maia's school?
What is a synonym for requested in
I requested a friend of mine on social media.
Why do you use Youtube?
answers will vary- teacher and team vote
Why do you think Maia has a dream about chocolate ice cream?
She loves ice cream and can't eat it because one of the rules at her Hula school is to not eat a lot of sugar.
What does the word gradually mean in:
When you start a YouTube channel, don’t expect a lot of subscribers right away. The number will go up gradually. Don’t give up.
How are the pa'us different between the boys and girls?
The girls have painted decorations on them.
What is a synonym for brief in
We had a brief meeting to talk about new video ideas.
What would happen if youtube was never created?
Answers vary- teacher and teams vote
Why do the students go to the beach?
The students go to the beach in order to enter the water as a ceremonial bathing ritual that will purify them before their first performance.
What does the word convince mean in:
Sometimes, Youtubers only show the good in their lives. They try to convince you that their lives are perfect. Remember that they go through rough times too.
persuade/ to get someone to think in a certain way.
What kapu rule does Maia find the hardest to follow?
Not eating sugar.
What is a synonym for eager in
I was eager to get a new computer. It took so long to come in the mail.
excited or impatient
Do you think Youtube will ever lose popularity and why or why not?
Answers vary
How do the students become part of ho’opa’a?
The students become part of ho’opa’a when they have danced long enough and gained enough experience.
What does the word Harsh mean in: People can be harsh online. YouTube comments can sometimes be very hurtful. When commenting, you should be mindful of what you say.
What food is traditionally served at ailolo?
a roasted pig
What is a synonym for reduce as in
I want to reduce hate comments.
Why do hula dancers wear kupe’e?
Hula dancers wear kupe’e so that a light percussion sound is made while they move.
What does the word wit mean in: You have to have a lot of wit when you create YouTube videos. You need to have a great personality. You will be entertaining a lot of people.
cleverness, creative and smart
When do the students have the ailolo feast?
Before the graduation ceremony.
What is a synonym for confess as in
I confessed to one of my friends that I have a YouTube
admitted or told the truth