Mental Health
Physical Health
Sexual Health
Well Being Resources

This substance is illegal on Virginia Tech's campus although it is legalized for 21+ in Virginia.

What is marijuana

Viewing obstacles as temporary and surmountable, knowing effort is the path to mastery, finding lessons in the success of others, seeking constructive feedback, and believing intelligence can grow are all examples of this.

What is growth mindset.

Most college aged students should get this many hours of sleep.

What is 7-9.


No means this.

What is NO.


If you are feeling sick, need STI testing/contraceptives, or are physically hurt you can go to this resource for help.

What is Schiffert Health Center.


1.5 oz of hard liquor (40% ABC), 12 oz of beer (5% ABC), or 5 oz of wine (12% ABC) is referred to as...

What is a standard drink


Engaging in as little as __ minutes of mindfulness a day can increase attention/focus, working memory capacity, and academic performance.

What is 10 minutes.


Healthy adults should work out at a moderate intensity for this many minutes a week.

What is 150.

This form of contraceptive also helps prevent the spread of STIs.

What is barrier method (condoms, female condoms, dental dam).


This campus resource provides workshops and info sessions for all aspects of well being (including this event).

What is Hokie Wellness.

When somebody stops using a substance regularly, they may experience pain, shakes, vomiting, and severe headaches which is know as...

What is withdrawal.


Things that you can do for yourself that promote positive mental health are known as...

What is self care.


You should eat this many cups of fruits and vegetables each day.

What is 5 cups.


This percentage of sexual active persons will contract an STI by the age of 25.

What is 50%.


The women's center, timely care, and the embedded counselors are examples of this kind of resource that will not share your information with the police, university, or family and friends unless it is a safety concern.

What are confidential resources.


If you vape frequently, you have this much higher of a chance of being diagnosed with depression than if you have never vaped.

What is 2.4x


Practicing assertive communication, balancing social and alone time, and refraining from overusing social media are all useful for what.

What is building connections.


What percentage of Americans consider their phones to be a significant source of stress.

What is 20%

Name 2 of the 3 top STIs on college campuses.

What are HPV, Herpes, and chlamydia.


If you call 540-231-6557 which campus resource will pick up.

What is Cook Counseling.


Breathing at less than 8 bpm, Unconsciousness, No pain response, and Vomiting while asleep, unconscious, or repeatedly are all signs of what.

What is alcohol poisoning.


What mental wellbeing practices does SL Daniel do regularly?

What are mindfulness, going on walks, and talking over problems with friends.


Binge eating, purging, laxative abuse, and fasting for weight loss are all examples of what.

What are disordered eating behaviors. 


Freely given, mutually agreed to, enthusiastically said, clearly understood, and respected are all qualities of what.

What is affirmative consent.


This recovery community resource brings coffee and insight to Virginia Tech's campus on wheels.

What is the Coffee Bike.