Main Idea 1
Main Idea 2
Main Idea 3
Main Idea 4
Main Idea 5

Steel is a very important metal that is used for many things. In the United States, the automobile industry uses the most steel. Steel is also used for putting up buildings. Cans and containers are made from steel. Steel can be used to make farm and factory machines.

Steel is used for many different things 


Did you know that giraffes are the tallest animals in the world? They are unique in other ways, too. For one thing, they sleep only about 20 minutes each day, and usually not more than five minutes at a time in order to remain alert for predators. Also, every giraffe’s coat is unique, and varies in color from white to nearly black, depending on what they eat and where they live.

Giraffes are unique animals


I can't wait until this weekend! We’re going to my grandparents’ house and my entire family will be there. I will spend most of my time playing games with my cousins. We always have such a good time together! The day goes by so fast, and by the end we are all exhausted... but we still don’t want to leave!

 What is the main idea?

 A) Weekends are times to travel. 

B) The author enjoys spending time with her family. 

C) The author's grandparents live far away. 

B) The author enjoys spending time with her family


Cody is a great soccer player. He practices every day after school. Cody plays soccer for his school team, and so far this year he has scored 6 goals! He can also run very fast. Everyone thinks that Cody is the best soccer player they know.

Cody is very good at soccer


Africa has many kinds of animals. The jungles are home to gorillas, chimpanzees, and others of the primate family. In the grasslands, there are elephant herds. In the plains, there are lions, giraffes, zebras, and antelopes.

Africa is home to many types of animals


If you are feeling sad, you can make yourself feel better by doing a few simple things. You can take a walk, or get another form of exercise. You can also talk to a friend, or you can write down your feelings. Writing down the good things in your life will help too. Doing something good for someone else can also help you feel better. If you still feel a little sad, act happy. It works like magic to make you feel better!

There are lots of ways to feel better when you’re sad


It was backward day at school. The students had to do things backwards. Some of them wore their t-shirt backward. They took a test before they studied the lesson! Dessert was served first instead of last at lunch. They tried to walk home backward, but they kept bumping into each other and fell down.

The students were having a backwards day at school


There are many fun things to do at the beach. Swimming is one thing that can be done at the beach. Snorkeling is another thing that can be enjoyed. Playing beach volleyball can be a lot of fun. It is also fun to look for shells. Some people simply like to sunbathe. 

What is the main idea? 

A) There are many fun things to do at the beach. 

B) It is also fun to look for shells. 

C) Some people simply like to sunbathe. 

A) There are many fun things to do at the beach


The Great Lakes are five freshwater lakes in North America. They formed thousands of years ago as glaciers melted. The Great Lakes contain most of the freshwater in North America. They are also important shipping routes, fishing sites, and sources of drinking water. Because of this, it is very important to keep the lakes clean.

It is important to protect the great lakes/keep them clean


Violins and violas are very similar. Both of them are string instruments that you might find in an orchestra. You also could find a cello in an orchestra. Violins and violas both have 3 strings that you play by using a bow or by plucking. Also they are both played by being held between the shoulder and chin.

Violins and violas are similar


Many types of bacteria are helpful. For example, some bacteria are able to take nitrogen from the air and put it into the soil. This creates more nutrients and makes the soil better for growing plants. Bacteria can also be used in making food. Some bacteria are used to make cheese, and other bacteria are helpful in making vinegar.

Some types of bacteria can be helpful


Honeybees form large hives. There are thousands of bees in a hive. One bee is the queen. She lays the eggs. Some bees gather nectar and pollen from flowers to make honey. Other bees protect the hive. Some bees keep the hive clean. Still other bees help the queen. Each bee has a special job to do in the bee hive.

Every bee in the hive has a job


Earthquakes are caused when the plates of the Earth's crust move. Earthquakes happen along "fault lines" in the earth’s crust. When the plates in the Earth suddenly shift, the Earth will begin to shift, shake or tremble. 

What is the main idea? 

A) Earthquakes occur on "fault lines."

B) Earthquakes cause a lot of damage. 

C) Earthquakes are caused when the plates of the Earth's crust move.

C) Earthquakes are caused when the plates of  the Earth's crust move


A female kangaroo has a special fold of skin that forms a pouch. The pouch is like a large pocket on its stomach. When a baby kangaroo, or a joey, is born, it climbs into its mother’s pouch. At birth, a joey is only about one inch long. It needs to stay in the pouch so it can grow more. After several months, the joey has grown enough to leave the pouch for short periods of time. By the time the joey is ten months old, it is ready to leave the pouch for good.

A baby kangaroo stays in its mothers pouch until it is strong enough to live on its own


There are many different kinds of bears in the world. Black bears live in North America. Grizzly bears also live in North America. They are very dangerous. The white Polar bear lives in the Arctic. The biggest bear is the Kodiak bear that is found in Alaska.

There are many types of bears


Alligators and Crocodiles look very similar. However, the two creatures have many differences that stand out-- Alligators tend to be black, while Crocodiles are more of a green color. The Alligator's snout is also long, while Crocodile's are much more narrow.

Differences between crocodiles and alligators


Floods can cause tremendous damage. They can ruin houses, roads, and buildings. Floods can take down trees and cause mudslides. They often leave behind mud, sand, and debris. It can take months to clean up after a flood.

Floods can cause a lot of damage


Catie and Katie had the same name. Even though one Catie started with the letter "C" and the other with the letter "K," it sounded the same when anyone said it. How could they know who was being called? They decided that "Catie" would stay the same and "Katie" would shorten her name to "Kate" to avoid confusion.

What is the main idea?

A) Catie didn't want to change her name to "Cate." 

B) Catie and Katie solved the problem of having similar names.

C. Catie and Katie thought it was fun to have the same-sounding name.

B) Catie and and Katie solved the problem of having similar names


Dolphins are mammals that live in the ocean. Mammals are different than fish, reptiles or birds. As a mammal, dolphins breathe oxygen, even though they live in water. Because they are mammals, a dolphin mother gives birth to a live baby, unlike reptiles and birds who lay eggs. A dolphin mother also feeds her baby milk like other mammals.

Dolphins are mammals that live in the ocean


My mother is a veterinarian. She loves animals. When she was younger she had lots of pets. She even teaches classes about how people can help protect animals. She works hard to treat animals when they are sick and she enjoys helping people with taking care of their pets.

The author's mother is a veterinarian/loves animals


In the time of the Ancient Greeks, people didn't know much about science. They resorted to explaining natural phenomenon by using stories and referring to the Greek gods. They believed each god was responsible for different parts of their lives. When Zeus was angry, he hurled his thunderbolts and, viola! That's how they explained lightning appearing in the sky.

How the Ancient Greeks explained science


What is the difference between a square and a cube? A square is a shape. It is two-dimensional- it has length and width, but it is flat. It has four equal sides and four equal corners. A cube is a solid shape. It is three-dimensional- it has length, width, and height. It has six equal squares, called faces. It also has edges. The edges are where the sides of the squares meet.

Differences between squares and cubes


Benjamin Franklin invented many things that made life easier in the late 1700’s. He invented the lightning rod which has saved many homes from fires. He also invented the Franklin stove. The stove could heat a room better than a fireplace and saved people a lot of fuel. He also invented a special kind of glasses called bifocals. This new kind of glasses helped people to read better. 

What is the main idea? 

A) Benjamin Franklin thought reading was important. 

B) Benjamin Franklin was not afraid of fire.

C) Benjamin Franklin was a great inventor.

C) Benjamin Franklin was a great inventor


There are eight planets in the Solar System, and each one is very different. Some planets, like Jupiter and Saturn are very large. Others, like Mercury and Mars are smaller. Jupiter has moons that are larger than Mercury. The planets also have different atmospheres. Uranus, Jupiter and Saturn have atmospheres made of hydrogen and helium. The atmosphere on Venus is made up of carbon dioxide. Earth has a nitrogen and oxygen atmosphere. The planets also have different temperatures. Uranus is the coldest and Venus is the hottest.

The planets in our solar system are very different


Weather reporters have to give out a lot of information. That's why they use pictures. The pictures help them tell us about the weather without using so many words. Weather reporters need to know where the cold air is. They need to know where the warm air is. They have to know where it is raining and what types of clouds are in the area. Their reports need to be correct, but they also need to be short. The pictures help weather reporters get the information out in a fast way.

Weather reporters use pictures to help express information quickly