The life of a pirate was not like what you see in the movies. Many sailors died from either falling overboard in shark-infested waters or from plunging onto the deck from working the sails. Also, many pirates died from diseases such as scurvy and malaria. The only food they sometimes ate was hard tack and dried, salted meat. It's no wonder most of them didn't live very long!
What is the main idea?
What is.."The life of a pirate was not like what you see in the movies."
What doesn't belong?
hook, net, pole, fork, bait
What is the topic (What are they doing)?
What is a fork?
What is fishing?
What does not belong?
Snakes eat their prey. Their teeth are rear-facing, which helps keep their prey in their mouths. Dogs are a man's best friend. Snakes hunt mostly at night.
What is dogs are a man's best friend.
Choose one sentence main idea:
Children dream of the day when they will be grown up. They will no longer have bedtimes, bath times, curfews, and other restrictions. They believe that being an experienced adult will truly give them freedom. Then they grow up. They are saddled by bills, sleepiness, and an overwhelming urge for more vacations. Now they long for the days they could roam free all summer without a care in the world. Innocence has always battled with experience.
What is Innocence has always battled with experience?
What is the "umbrella" sentence called?
the main idea
Did you know that embroidery was a popular pirate pastime? Pirates were also known as great story-tellers. As well, most pirates did not gamble as it led to fights among the crew. Pirates loved entertainment.
What is the main idea?
What is..."Pirates loved entertainment."
What doesn't belong?
sand, water, boat, seashells, sledding
Where is this at?
What is sledding?
What is the ocean or a beach?
Which detail does not support the following sentence: It is easy to reupholster a stool at home.
A. Stools come in very handy in the kitchen
B. Choose a stool with a removable seat.
C. Remove the old fabric from the stool seat.
D. Use a staple gun to fasten the new fabric tightly to the seat.
What is A: Stools come in very handy in the kitchen.
The Vikings were sailors from Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. They are known mostly as raiders, but they also traded and explored. One of their greatest things were their ships that could handle long ocean voyages. Clearly the Vikings were interesting people.
Vikings are interesting people.
When you are writing an essay, it is important to divide your sentences into ____________ instead of writing one long page.
Pirates weren't always men. One famous woman pirate was called Anne Bonny. Anne disguised herself as a man and joined a band of pirates around 1700. She was respected by many pirates for being so fierce. Nobody really knows what happened to Anne Bonny, but some people think she died as a pioneer in America.
What is..."Pirates weren't always men."
What does not belong:
cake mix, whisk, eggs, oven, bowl, dishwasher, milk
What are we doing?
What is dishwasher? What is making a cake?
Which detail does not support the following sentence: Self-publishing is easy and inexpensive.
A. There are many publishing platforms online to choose from.
B. On many publishing platforms you can set up your files for free.
C. Self publishing is becoming increasingly popular.
D. Self-publishing no longer requires an up-front investment.
What is C. Self publishing is becoming increasingly popular.
Free Space!
Congratulations on your free 300 points!
What are the sentences called that fit under the main idea sentence?
supporting details
Do you like playing checkers? Children in Ancient Egypt had many games they liked to play. Some games were fitness games like hockey, but they used palm tree branches for sticks instead of a hockey stick. Other games were board games such as Dogs and Jackals. Senet was another game many children enjoyed.
What is..."Children in Ancient Egypt had many games they liked to play."
What doesn't belong?
Desk, smart board, learning goal, skates, posters, books
Where we at? Be specific.
What is a Skates?
What is a classroom?
Which detail does not support the following sentence: It is not difficult to care for a backyard pool.
A. When you have a backyard pool you can swim any time.
B. Chemical test strips are inexpensive and readily available.
C. There are pool care businesses available to help you.
D. There is a simple maintenance schedule to follow.
What is A. When you have a backyard pool you can swim any time.
What is the implied main idea?
Often when it rains, a particular dreariness descends upon the earth. Most people hide out in their houses sending forlorn glances out the window. Animals scamper off to nooks and crannies, poking their heads out to timidly sniff the air for signs of dry weather. Despite the pellets of water cascading from the sky, an occasional brave soul will venture out for a jog in the drizzle or a bird will chirp merrily in a mud puddle, dismissing the downpour. Some people call these adventures crazy, but others celebrate the willingness of these individuals to embrace negativity and turn it into something positive.
Answers may vary, but needs to be as close to this answer as possible.
What is it's abnormal to venture out into the rain, but the positive results can be worth it?
What type of genre has paragraphs that will have a main idea sentence?
a. Fiction
b. Nonfiction
You probably wouldn't live as long as today if you were born in ancient Egypt. If a baby was lucky enough to live the first year, it was considered to be a blessing from the gods. Also, most bathrooms drained into fields that food was grown in, so there were lots of diseases. As well, people usually didn't live past the age of 40. It was a rough life.
What is..."You probably wouldn't live as long as today if you were born in ancient Egypt."
What doesn't belong
Whistle, laundry soap, striped black and white shirt, tennis shoes, hat, water bottle
Who/What am I?
What is laundry soap?, What is a referee?
Which detail does not support the following sentence: Middle school is a challenging time.
A. In some states, 7th and 8th grade are called “junior high.”
B. Kids are turning into young adults.
C. In school, students have to change classes.
D. More is expected of students, as they are getting older.
What is A. In some states, 7th and 8th grade are called “junior high.”
A recent study followed bands of feral horses in the Kaimanawa Mountains of New Zealand over the course of three years, has some interesting findings regarding foaling rates of social mares. Elissa Z. Cameron, now at the University of Pretoria in South Africa, and two colleagues computed sociality scores for fifty-six mares, based on parameters such as the proportion time each animal spent near other mares and the amount of social grooming she did. The team found the scores correlated well with foaling rate: more sociable mares had more foals. They also suffered slightly less harassment by the bands' few males.
What is A recent student found that more sociable mares had more foals?
True or False
A main idea is the same as a topic.
The topic is only one word like "dogs".
A main idea sentences states a point such as "Dogs are intelligent animals."