Main Idea
Context Clues
Context Clues

One the most popular musical instruments is the piano. In the traditional musical instrument classification system, the piano falls into two categories. It is considered a string instrument because the sound comes from the strings inside the piano. It is also considered a percussion instrument, since the player strikes the keyboard, which signals an internal hammer to strike the strings.

What is the main idea?
a. The strings of a piano makes the sound.

b. The piano is both a string and percussion instrument.

c. The piano is a popular instrument

b. The piano is both a string and percussion instrument.


Context clues help readers to...

a. not understand what they are reading.

b. understand the meaning of an unknown word.

c. not use strategies.

d. be confused.

b. understand the meaning of an unknown word.


Tim looked out the window. The house looked so lonely. Tim's father put the last suitcase in the trunk and started up the car. Thor, his dog, put his head on Tim's lap, like he understood how  Tim was feeling. "It's okay Thor," he said, "Dad says we will like California." 

I can infer that:
a. Tim is sad because his dog doesn't have a house to live in.

b. Tim is taking a trip to visit people he doesn't know.

c. Tim is taking Thor to live with his grandmother.

d. Tim is moving to California with his family

d. Tim is moving to California with his family


The search did not turn up any answers and the fate of the colony remains a mystery. Although there is no evidence that definitively shows what happened to the colony, there are some theories. 

What does definitively mean? 

a. hurriedly               b. old 

c. questionably          d. completely

 d. completely


Plants need the right amounts of sun and water to survive. In tropical climates, both are abundant, and many plants thrive. In the desert, however, plants get plenty of sun but not much water. Rain might not fall for months. When rain does fall, it evaporates quickly. 

What is the main idea? 

a. When rain does fall, it evaporates quickly.

c. Desert plants get plenty of sun but not much rain.

c. Plants need the right amount of sun and water to survive.

c. Plants need the right amount of sun and water to survive.


What do you call a word that has the opposite meaning of another word? 

a. Explanation

b. Synonym

c. Antonym

d. Homonym

c. Antonym


The babysitter was downstairs reading, happy to have a few moments of quiet with the child upstairs sleeping. She just hoped the wiggly toddler would stay in her new big-girl bed. Suddenly, there was a loud "THUMP!" followed by a grumpy voice saying, "ow!"

What can you infer?

a. the child was asleep

b. the child fell out of bed

c. the child was eating a bag of chips

d. the child wanted to read a book

b. the child fell out of bed


The divers tried to salvage the valuable cargo from the sunken ship. They hoped to retrieve at least some of the treasures they knew were trapped at the bottom of the sea.

Define the italicized word.

 a. save            c. destroy 

b. break           d. terrible

 a. save


Memorial Day is a great holiday! It assures us that summer is just around the corner. Of course, Memorial Day was first celebrated for a more serious reason. Memorial Day began in 1868 to honor Civil war soldiers. Later, it became the day to remember all American soldiers who had died in a war.

What is the main idea?
a. Memorial Day is the first day of summer.

b. Memorial Day is a great holiday.

c. Memorial Day honors fallen soldiers.

c. Memorial Day honors fallen soldiers.


It has been an extremely brutal summer with very hot temperatures.

What does brutal mean? 

a. Harsh                        b. Windy

c. Gentle                       d. Pleasant

a. Harsh


A mother is pushing a cart through the grocery store. A little girl, around three years old, is sitting in the cart. The girl reaches for a brightly-colored box, and the mother gently takes it away from her. The girl begins to cry. 

I can infer that: 

a. The little girl wanted to keep the box. 

b. The mother hurt the girl when she took away the box. 

c. The box contained laundry detergent. 

a. The little girl wanted to keep the box.


Many students would feign illness just to get out of a test.

Define the italicized word.

a. catch             c. fake

b. discover        d. need

c. fake


Most animals like company, but, it seems, they also like to be unique. There are special names for groups of many different animals. For example, a group of fish is a school. You wouldn't call a group of ants a school, but you can call them a colony. A group of hens is a brood. Then, there is a pod of dolphins, a string of ponies, and a gaggle of geese. 

What is the main idea?
a. There are different names for different animal groups.

b. Animals are unique.

c. A group of ants are a colony, not a school.

a. There are different names for different animal groups.


Mara was feeling apprehensive about the
camping trip. She had never slept in a tent before. What if there were bears or mountain lions? 

a. worried                    b. angry

c. excited                    d. in pain

a. worried


A little boy is sitting with his mother in a doctor’s office, listlessly leaning against her. When she gives him a cup to sip some water, he slowly pushes it away. After a while, he begins to whimper and puts a hand to his neck. 

I can infer that:

a. The boy is tired. 

b. The boy has hurt his hand. 

c. The boy has a sore throat. 

d. The boy doesn't like water. 

c. The boy has a sore throat.


Sandra was known for being an ingenious problem solver. When she ripped the cover of her textbook, she made a color copy of her friend’s book and pasted it onto her own.

Define the italicized word.

a. brave           c. clever

b. silly             d. boring 

c. clever


Can you tell a storm is coming? Some people are very good at predicting bad weather. They may feel sore in their joints. Some say they can smell it. Some listen to weather reports. The reporters use equipment that can watch weather from a distance. 

What is the main idea?
a. There are several way to know if a storm is on its way.

b. It's a good idea to go inside during a storm.

c. Storms are unpredictable.

a. There are several way to know if a storm is on its way.


Dan did not enjoy his job as a dishwasher. It was monotonous work, doing the same thing over and over 

a. inspiring               b. disgusting

c. boring                  d. dangerous

c. boring


Kevin ran to the mailbox. With his back turned to the house, he opened the envelope containing his report card. After a quick, confirming glance, he crumpled the report card and stuffed it into his pocket. He went into the house, put the rest of the mail on the kitchen table, and ran up to his room. 

I can infer that: 

a. Kevin wants to play video games.

b. Kevin did not have good grades on his report card. 

c. Kevin loves to get the mail. 

b. Kevin did not have good grades on his report card.


There's no need to berate someone for making a mistake during the first day on the job.

Define the italicized word.

a.    scold         c. congratulate

b.    laugh at    d. praise

a.    scold