Main Idea is the general idea of a story
True or False?
What are working dogs?
Dogs that help people
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What is a Nonfiction Text?
A Nonfiction Text is a story that is true
Supporting details help the Main Idea.
True or False?
True, it helps show why that is the main idea
What does a working dog do?
They help people in many types of situations.
What are sharks?
Sharks are animals with sharp teeth
What is a Fictional Text?
It is a text using imagination. It isn't true
This is the "big idea" or most important point in a story or paragraph. It tells you what the whole passage is mostly about.
What is the Main Idea?
What do police dogs do?
They help fight crime with policemen and policewomen
Does sharks have a limit to their teeth?
Sharks has nearly an unlimited supply of replacement teeth.
Why is the Ocean important?
It is home to all of the plants and sea life
These are the facts, examples, or descriptions that help explain or prove the main idea. They give more information about the big idea.
What are Supporting Details?
What is a supporting detail of Working Dogs?
1. A police dog assists police in finding criminals and weapons.
2. A dog can help people with visual impairments by acting as their eyes.
3. Some dogs help people with hearing impairments by acting as their ears.
What goes through almost 20 thousand teeth?!
A shark can go through as many as 20,000 teeth in its lifetime!
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Is the main idea important to a story? Yes or No
Yes, since it helps the story be interesting.
What is the main idea of Working Dogs?
Working Dogs are dogs that help people with all kinds of stuff.
What is the main Idea of Sharks?
Sharks have unlimited teeth
Did the stories we read Nonfiction or Fiction?
They were Nonfiction