Main Idea - Hobbies
Main Idea - Food
Main Idea - Outdoors
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Baking different types of cookies is a favorite hobby of many people. There are so many different types of cookies to bake that the possibilities are almost endless! There are chocolate chip cookies, shortbread cookies, oatmeal raisin cookies, peanut butter cookies, sugar cookies, and so many more types of cookies to bake!



No matter where you go, you can almost always find a hotel. Whether you are visiting Disney World, the beach, New York City, or a small town in South Carolina, there is sure to be a hotel that will fit your needs. There is even a hotel made of snow and ice in Sweden! It is unlikely that you would ever need to drive more than twenty minutes to find a hotel room for the night.

You can find a hotel anywhere to stay at.


Baking different types of cookies is a favorite hobby of many people. There are so many different types of cookies to bake that the possibilities are almost endless! There are chocolate chip cookies, shortbread cookies, oatmeal raisin cookies, peanut butter cookies, sugar cookies, and so many more types of cookies to bake!

People can bake many different types of cookies to eat.


John had spent the day outside collecting bugs. He couldn't wait to show his mom the neat role-poly bugs, the flying ladybugs, and the hopping crickets. He had them safely collected in a glass cup with a piece of plastic wrap over the top. As he galloped through the door to show his mom, he tripped and fell, shattering the glass and sending the bugs flying across the floor. Mom ran to him and screamed...that wasn't how he planned to show them to her!

John spilled his bug collection because couldn't wait to show his mom the bugs he collected.


Technology has changed a lot in the last hundred years. One hundred years ago, there were no cell phones, computers, or televisions. Now, almost every home has several phones, computers, and televisions! iPhones and iPads were not even invented until 2007, but now they are all over the world and even in many classrooms! Can you imagine how living one hundred years ago would have been different without all of the advances in technology?

Main Idea: Technology is very different now than it was 100 years ago.

One hundred years ago, there were no cell phones, computers, or televisions.

iPhones and iPads were not even invented until 2007


No matter where you go, you can almost always find a hotel. Whether you are visiting Disney World, the beach, New York City, or a small town in South Carolina, there is sure to be a hotel that will fit your needs. There is even a hotel made of snow and ice in Sweden! It is unlikely that you would ever need to drive more than twenty minutes to find a hotel room for the night.



Photography is a very popular hobby, and many people even make a career out of it. Some people call photography an art because there are many different elements to taking fantastic pictures. People who take up photography as a hobby often photograph landscape pictures, pictures of their families, or other fun subjects.Career photographers photograph families, babies, and popular events for pay. Regardless of what they are photographing, taking pictures is a very popular art form.

People enjoy all types of photography as a hobby.


Milk is the perfect beverage for many different reasons. Almost all babies begin their lives by drinking milk! You can even add a little bit of chocolate syrup to make chocolate milk. Have you ever dipped an Oreo into milk? It is the best! Milk is also used in many different recipes and to make delicious milkshakes. Our world would be so different without this perfect drink.

Milk is a perfect drink for many different reasons.


Trenton's feet were pounding against the pavement with every step he took. His heart raced and he breathed deeply as he picked up speed. The beat of the music coming out of his headphones helped him to keep going. Sweat dripped down his forehead, and his legs burned like dire. Just when he thought he couldn't run any more, the finish line came in to view. He could hear his dad shouting his name and see his mom jumping up and down cheering him on. He picked up speed, and before he knew it, he plowed through the finish line, breaking the ribbon and winning first place!

Trenton won his race because he didn't give up even though he wanted to.


As soon as Shane drifted off to sleep, he was transported into a faraway land. In his dream, he was surrounded by fairytale characters and people from the movie that he had watched just before bed. The other characters couldn’t see him, but he could see them and hear everything they were saying! Just as he was beginning to enjoy the fantasy dream, a dragon came swooping down upon him. He startled awake and sat up straight in his bed with his heart pounding. He was almost afraid to go back to sleep after a strange dream like that!

Main Idea: Shane had a fun dream that turned scary.

Just as he was beginning to enjoy the fantasy dream, a dragon came swooping down upon him.

He startled awake and sat up straight in his bed with his heart pounding.

He was almost afraid to go back to sleep after a strange dream like that!


John had spent the day outside collecting bugs. He couldn't wait to show his mom the neat role-poly bugs, the flying ladybugs, and the hopping crickets. He had them safely collected in a glass cup with a piece of plastic wrap over the top. As he galloped through the door to show his mom, he tripped and fell, shattering the glass and sending the bugs flying across the floor. Mom ran to him and screamed...that wasn't how he planned to show them to her!

Bug collection


Dalton had been shopping for hours, but he couldn't believe his eyes when he looked at the receipt. He knew he hadn't spent THAT much money, He scanned the receipt, looking at the price of each item. He had bought several Nintendo DS games, a new Monopoly board, and...there it was! They had charged him $70.89 for the pack of Angry Birds trading cards that was only supposed to be $7.89. He went straight back to the store, and they refunded his money. He couldn't believe they had made such a big mistake, but he was grateful he noticed.

The store charged Dalton too much for his trading cards by accident.


Kate looked down at her plate in disgust. She couldn't believe her mom had made a dinner with every single one of her least favorite ingredients. There was a tomato in the salad and blue cheese dressing on top. She put mushrooms on the chicken, and Brussel sprouts on the side. To make matters worse, dessert was tiramisu, and Kate hated tiramisu! This was the worst meal ever.

Kate's mom used all of her least favorite foods to make dinner.


A blizzard is a weather event that occurs most often during the wintertime. Blizzards happen when there are very low temperatures, high winds, and a severe snowstorm. Schools and other workplaces are often closed during blizzards, and it can be very dangerous to travel during a blizzard. Blizzards are major snow events.

Blizzards are a major snow event in the winter.


The Titanic was a massive ship that sunk on its maiden (first) voyage in April 1912. The ship was said to be unsinkable, but when it struck an iceberg, part of the ship’s hull had holes torn into it. The passengers on board the ship had very little time to exit the ship, and many people died. The Titanic sank two hours after it hit the berg. The sinking of the ship is still remembered and taught by teachers today.

Main Idea: The Titanic sunk on its maiden voyage.

The ship was said to be unsinkable, but when it struck an iceberg, part of the ship’s hull had holes torn into it.

The Titanic sank two hours after it hit the berg.


Lightning is an incredibly dangerous act of nature. If you hear thunder or see lightning, you should find shelter right away. It is nearly impossible to predict the exact location of a strike, making it even more dangerous. The temperature of a lightning strike can be more than 50,000 degrees, which is as hot as the surface of the sun! Lightning kills over 70 people per year, making it one of the most dangerous natural weather occurrences.



Grayson and hus Boy Scout troop arrived at the campsite just before sunset. They had gotten a late start and left over two hours after they had originally planned. As the sun went down, the troop scrambled to put up the tent. Soon, it was dark, and the car was not unpacked, and the tent was not assembled. This was not the best start to the camping trip...

The Boy Scout troop didn't have time to prepare because it got dark.


Although people love watching movies at the theater, many people enjoy the concession stand even more! There are so many movie theater treats that go perfectly with a movie. Some people love popcorn, nachos, and a soda, while other people enjoy candy, slushy drinks, and a hot dog. Some people say these things don't taste the same anywhere but the theater.

People go to the movie theater to eat the delicious snacks.


Deciding to plant a garden is a very big undertaking. First of all, you must find out which types of plants are best suited to grow in your climate. Second, you must prepare the ground and make sure no wild animals can get to your garden and damage it. Third, it is important o carefully plant the seeds of flowers and water them just the right amount. Finally, you must make sure your garden gets just the right amount of sun to keep your plants and flowers alive! Planting a garden is a complicated job.

People who decide to plant gardens can have complications.


Lightning is an incredibly dangerous act of nature. If you hear thunder or see lightning, you should find shelter right away. It is nearly impossible to predict the exact location of a strike, making it even more dangerous. The temperature of a lightning strike can be more than 50,000 degrees, which is as hot as the surface of the sun! Lightning kills over 70 people per year, making it one of the most dangerous natural weather occurrences.

Main Idea: Lightning is very dangerous.

It is nearly impossible to predict the exact location of a strike, making it even more dangerous.

The temperature of a lightning strike can be more than 50,000 degrees

Lightning kills over 70 people per year