Main Idea
More Main Idea
Context Clues
Context Clues
What is another way to describe the main idea?
The main idea is what the passage or reading section is mainly about.
I can't wait until this weekend! We’re going to my grandparents’ house and my entire family will be there. I will spend most of my time playing games with my cousins. We always have such a good time together! The day goes by so fast, and by the end we are all exhausted... but we still don’t want to leave! The main idea of this passage is: A. Weekends are times to travel. B. The writer enjoys spending time with family. C. The writer’s grandparents live far away. D. The writer is sad to leave her cousins
Answer: B

“A group of students did not turn in their homework.”

What can we infer happened?

They got a bad grade

The three students decided to collaborate on the project, since they all had different talents to share. What does "collaborate" mean?
work together
The snow was a marvel to look at as it glistened in the bright sun. What does "marvel" mean?
an awesome sight
What is the difference between main idea and theme?
Main Idea is what the text is mostly about.The theme of a story is the lesson or moral that the author wants us to learn.
I have a dog named Boots. I taught him lots of tricks. When I tell him to, Boots will sit or lie down. He can also wave his paw to greet people. When I say, “Dance, Boots”, he will stand up on two legs and walk. What is the main idea of this paragraph?
Answer: Boots knows tricks/I taught him lots of tricks.

“I forgot to set my alarm clock last night.”

What can we infer happened?

They were late to school/work

This school has a lot of diversity. We have students from many races, religions and cultural backgrounds. What does "diversity" mean?
different kinds of things or people together
Joe felt anguish when his dog died. He'd had his dog for 13 years. What does "anguish" mean?
extreme pain, sadness and suffering.
Where do you normally find the main idea of a paragraph?
In the first or last sentence of the paragraph
Jims dog does not like to get wet. He avoids water at all cost. When Jim has to give his dog a bath, the dog tries to run away. The dog does not even like it when it rains. What is the main idea?
Jim's dog does not like water.

“We bought tickets and some popcorn.” 

Where can we infer they are?

we were at the movies

Cheerleaders are a boisterous group. They spend a lot of time jumping and shouting to energize the players and the fans. What does "boisterous" mean?
loud, noisy, energetic
Joe pledged his allegiance to his new team, even though, he missed many members of his old team. What does "allegiance" mean?
loyalty or devotion
What do you need to write a main idea statement?
The Topic + Main Idea = Main Idea Statement
There are many ways for people to get from one place to another. The most common way to travel is by a motorized vehicle. If you are traveling with your family and not going far you may take a car. If you are going a longer distance with more people you may ride in a var or bus. If you need to travel through water, you would need to take a boat. Many people choose to ride in an airplane when they need to go far away and get their quickly. What is the main idea?
There are many ways to travel.

"The lady had a bottle in her hand and there was a crying baby in the crib."

Who can we infer the lady is?

A mom

The auditorium looks like it is filled to capacity. I don't think we will find an empty seat. What does "capacity" mean?
The largest amount possible
We had to make a chronological time line during Social Studies when we studied the events leading up to the Revolutionary War. What does "chronological" mean?
going in order of time
When writing a paragraph you must have these sentences to strengthen the main idea...
What are supporting details
Main Idea: Kangaroo tails are muscular, long and thick at the base. Which is a supporting detail? A. Their tails help them balance and turn when they're hopping. B. Kangaroos also have a pouch, were they carry their babies.
A.Their tails help them balance and turn when they’re hopping.

"I grabbed my umbrella and put on my boots."

What can we infer about the weather?

It is raining.

Nina was completely inept at cooking. She seemed to burn everything she tried to cook. What does "inept" mean?
have little or no skill
To satisfy the nervous new parents, the doctor performed a painstaking exam of the baby, to ensure it was healthy. What does "painstaking" mean?
careful, thorough, taking a lot of care