Multiple Meaning Words #1
Details: Important vs. Interesting
Context Clues


The object that spins around to push air. 

A person who likes a celebrity or sports team.


While on vacation across the country, Austin and his family saw their neighbors. Austin's dad said, "Wow, it sure is a small world!"

Surprised at seeing someone we know in a place far away.


I run, yet I have no legs... what am I?

a nose


My dog is called Buttons, and he learns new tricks really quickly. When I say “Hands”, he will give me one of his front paws. He can even walk on two legs when I tell him to. It only took me three days to teach him these tricks. Other dogs usually don't learn as quickly as Buttons. He is the best. 

What is 1 important detail and 1 interesting detail?

Important: When I say "Hands", he will give me one of his front paws.

Interesting: Other dogs usually don't learn as quickly as Buttons.


My borg loves to bark at the mailman.

What does borg mean? 

A dog



A symbol in the alphabet. A

A written message to someone


The teacher said, "That is enough monkey business, class! It's time to settle down and get to work."

playing around/wasting time


What gets wetter the more it dries?

a towel


I learned how to fly a kite at a young age. For a kite to fly, the weather needs to be just right. If there is no wind, the kite will never fly. You need to find a spacious place to fly your kite because is dangerous to fly your kite near roads, power lines, or an airport. 

What is 1 important detail and 1 interesting detail?

Important: If there is no wind, the kite will never fly.

Interesting: I learned how to fly a kite at a young age.


It's frizzling outside so I better get my umbrella.

What does frizzling mean? 




To go back and forth in a chair.

A pebble or stone. 

A type of music


Sarah and her friend Kristin both love soccer, math, and the color purple. Sometimes, they even wear the same shirt on the same day. Their teacher said, "You are like two peas in a pod!"

They are just alike.


You answer me, although I never ask you questions... what am I?

a telephone


This weekend I am going to my grandparents’ house, and my entire family will be there. I will spend most of my time playing games with my cousins. We will also make desserts with my grandmother. My favorite dessert is her pumpkin pie. The days go by so fast, and we are all exhausted... but we still don’t want to leave! 

What is 1 important detail and 1 interesting detail?

Important: We will make desserts with my grandmother.

Interesting: My favorite dessert is her pumpkin pie.


My crowl is coming up and I'm going to be 13 years old. I wonder if I will get a new bike. 

What does crowl mean? 




Run very fast toward somebody. 

The amount of money you have to pay to buy an item. 

What you do to electronics so they don't stop working. (i.e. 'charge your phone'.)


"Well," Jimmy sighed, "I forgot my homework again. I guess it's time to tell my teacher and face the music."

 To accept responsibility for something bad you have done.


The more there is, the less you see.



I moved into a new house 3 weeks ago. There are a lot of new rules that we have to follow. We have to take our shoes off when we enter the house. Nobody is allowed to eat or drink in the living room. Our dog isn't allowed to play ball inside. 

What is 1 important detail and 1 interesting detail?

Important: We have to take our shoes off when we enter the house.

Interesting: I moved into a new house 3 weeks ago.


Are you sure we packed enough provisions, or supplies for this trip?  

Using context clues what does provisions mean?

What type of context clue helped you figure out the meaning?


Direct definition.

Provisions, or supplies for this trip? 



Powder used to improve food taste.

Spring, summer, fall, winter.


I didn't study much for my math test, but I passed by the skin of my teeth.

What does 'by the skin of my teeth' mean?

You barely passed. You almost failed.


What is small, brown, and round...It has a head and tail, but no legs?

a penny


Someday we will all have robots that will look and behave much like real humans. We will be able to talk to them and they will be able to respond! They will be smart, strong, and hard workers. Our lives will be much easier when we all have robots.

What is 1 important detail and 1 interesting detail?

Important: We will be able to talk to them and they will be able to respond.

Interesting: Our lives will be much easier when we all have robots.


The old man ambled slowly down the path while his dog walked next to him.  Using context clues, what does amble mean?

What type of context clue helped you figure out the meaning?



The old man ambled slowly down the path while his dog walked next to him.