Main Idea 1
Main Idea 2
Inference 1
The Westing Game

There are many different kinds of bears in the world. Black bears live in North America. Grizzly bears also live in North America. They are very dangerous. The white Polar bear lives in the Arctic. The biggest bear is the Kodiak bear that is found in Alaska. 

What is the main idea of this text passage?

There are many kinds of bears.


There are many fun things to do at the beach. Swimming is one thing that can be done at the beach. Snorkeling is another thing that can be enjoyed. Playing beach volleyball can be a lot of fun. It is also fun to look for shells. Some people simply like to sunbathe.

What is the main idea?

There are many fun things to do at the beach


Jake and Time sat quietly next to each other, each thinking his own thoughts. Suddenly, the pole Jake was holding loosely in his hands jerked so hard, he nearly dropped it. "You got one!" exclaimed Time excitedly. "Reel him in slowly." 

What did Jake have? How do you know?

A fish, because you use a pole to catch a fish and reel it in.


On what lake is Sunset Towers located?

Lake Michigan?


Jake is going to try out for basketball after school today. Jake had been practicing all summer in hopes of making the team. Jake has been thinking about his big basketball try out all day. He could barely focus in math class this morning because he worried that he wouldn't be able to shoot a basket. His teacher asked him why he was unable to focus. Jake told him about his try out after school. His teacher told him to just relax and try his best. Jake is excited about his try out after school. 

What is the main idea?

Jake has basketball try outs after school.


Johnny's least favorite food is pizza. His friends can't believe that Johnny doesn't like it. When he gets invited to a birthday party, the meal served is usually pizza. Johnny always eats before he gets there because he knows that otherwise he will feel sick. Johnny doesn't like cheese. He doesn't like tomato sauce. He doesn't like the toppings that come with pizza, not even pepperoni. Johnny's parents have tried to order every topping to help Johnny like pizza, but it has never worked. Johnny says he will just never like pizza.

What is the main idea?

Johnny's least favorite food is pizza.


It was her 16th birthday and she was so excited! She ran out the front door and saw the huge ribbon tied around her present. It was so awesome! She couldn't wait to take it for a spin!

What did the girl get for her birthday? How do you know?

She got a car and the clues are it's her 16th birthday, it was outside, and it had a sunroof.


On what day were the letters delivered to the tenants to be?

July 4th 


One way to live a long life is to keep your heart healthy by exercising. Most people say that 20 minutes of exercise 3x a week is all you need. There are many things you can do to get exercise. You can get exercise by playing sports or even cleaning the house. Any amount of exercise a day is good.

What is the main idea?

You can keep your heart healthy by exercising


How can you stay safe while riding your bike on busy streets? One way is to protect your head with a bicycle helmet. Studies have shown that riders who wear helmets are less likely to hurt their heads. Another way is to use hand signals when you ride. Hand signals show that you're planning to turn or stop. They help drivers in cars watch out for you. A third way is to obey traffic laws. Stop at stop signs and traffic lights. Use bike lanes when you can, and cross streets in crosswalks. If you follow these basic safety rules, you'll protect yourself while riding.

What is the main idea?

There are several ways you can stay safe while riding your bike on busy streets.


As the boys sat outside the principal's office, with torn shirts and muddy faces, they knew they were in trouble. Fighting was strictly against the rules. They would be so embarrassed to call their parents and tell them what they had done.

Why were the boy's dirty? Why are the boy's at the office?

They were fighting outside during recess and had been sent to the office.


Who is Grace's favorite daughter?

Who is Angela?


Black widow spiders are far more dangerous to animals than they are to people. The spiders catch beetles, flies, and other insects in their webs and wrap them in silk. Then, they suck the insects out and eat them. Female black widows sometimes even kill and eat their mates! People, on the other hand, are usually safe from black widows. The spiders only bite to defend themselves. A person who is bitten by a black widow may experience aches or upset stomachs. However, it is rare for a person bitten by a black widow to die.

What is the main idea?

Black widows are dangerous to animals however, they are not as deadly to humans.


In 1930, Ruth Wakefield was running an inn in Massachusetts when she ran into a problem. She had planned to make chocolate cookies for her guests. However, she was out of her usual baker's chocolate, so she had to use something else. Wakefield broke a piece of semisweet chocolate into small bits. Then she mixed it into the cookie batter. She thought the chocolate would melt and blend together with the batter while the cookies baked. When she took the cookies out of the oven, however, she was surprised. The chocolate had not blended in. Instead, Wakefield's problem had led her to invent chocolate chip cookies. 

What is the main idea?

Ruth accidentally created chocolate chip cookies.


Your sister was gone for three days on a snowboarding trip. You missed her so much. When you woke up and saw her sitting on the couch. Her leg was propped up and she had an ice pack on it.

What do you think happened?

She hurt her leg on the snowboarding trip.


Who are the podiatrist's 2 daughters?

Who are Angela & Turtle?


Brittany doesn't have a lot of time to get her homework done. She has dance class right after school. After dance class, she has to eat dinner. Brittany helps her dad make dinner. They have to wash the vegetables, cut them, and cook them. They also have to boil the water for the pasta and cook it. After that, Brittany finally has time to start her homework. Shortly after doing her homework, it's time for bed. 

What is the main idea?

Brittany barely has time to do her homework.


Honeybees form large hives. There are thousands of bees in a hive. One bee is the queen. She lays the eggs. Some bees gather nectar and pollen from flowers to make honey. Other bees protect the hive. Some bees keep the hive clean. Still other bees help the queen. Each bee has a special job to do in the bee hive. 

What is the main idea of this text passage?

Each bee has a job to do in a beehive.


Lauren worried when she handed her mom her envelope. She carefully watched mom looking over the paper, and a feeling of relief swept over her and a smile spread across mom's face. Mom said "let's go get ice cream to celebrate!"

Why was Lauren worried? What paper was mom looking at? Why does mom want to go get ice cream?

She wasn't sure her grades were what her mom had expected. She was looking at her report card. Her mom was very proud of Lauren's grades.


What point of view is the story told in? 

3rd person omniscient. Because the third-person omniscient point of view can see everything, the reader themself will also know everything they need to know about the situation.