Important Dates
English rule

The act of refusing to buy something in order to make a point.

What is boycott?


treasonous traitor,  betrayed America during the American Revolution.

Who is Benedict Arnold?


White pine (Kings Mast) law came into effect.

What is 1691?


Navigation Acts

All goods bound from other countries to America had to be shipped to England first.  taxes had to be paid on all the goods that passed through England on their way to America.  all trade goods from the 13 colonies had to be transported in English ships.  the captain and 3/4 of the crew had to be English.  certain goods from the colonies like tobacco and rice had to be first transported to England before they could be sold elsewhere.


Cause of the French-Indian war.

Settlers in the Virginia colony wanted to move west into the Ohio country.  the Virginians told the French and their Indian allies to leave Ohio to make way for the American colonists to establish Farms there.  the French and Indians wanted Ohio for fur trade so fighting broke out between French and Indians on one side and the Virginians on the other. Virginia's would go on to ask other colonies for help.


a madeup story based on real events.

What is historical fiction?


wrote the Declaration of Independence

Who is Thomas Jefferson?


Start of the Stamp Act

What is 1765?


Molasses Act

A heavy tax was placed on molasses from French islands in the West Indies but the Molasses from English islands in the West Indies was tax-free.  this was done to make sure the American colonists bought molasses from England rather than from France.


England began fighting this war against France and Europe while they also went to America to fight the French and the Indians.

What is the seven year war?


a person whose passage to America was paid in return for several years of labor.

What is indentured servant?


One of the commanders of the Penobscot Expedition.  was captured but freed himself by digging holes in the ceiling.

 who is Peleg Wadsworth


Tea Act, Tea ships burn in York, Boston Tea Party

What is 1773?


White Pine (Kings Mast) law

The English Navy was growing and shipbuilders needed pine trees for ships mast.  they came placed a restriction on white pine trees in Maine.  all white pine trees that were two or more feet wide at the base belong to the king.  he would send a surveyor from England to Mark the trees that were belong to him with an arrow.  anyone caught cutting down one of these trees would be fine 100 pounds.


Formed when the Intolerable Acts were passed formed to decide the future of the colonies and if they would govern themselves.

What is the 1st Continental Congress?


The legislative body of England.

What is Parliment?


Advertised  in Germany for settlers.  about 140 Germans made the long trip to Broad Bay

who is Samuel Waldo?


Battle of Lexington and concord 

What is April 1775?


Formed when England Scotland and Wales joined together in 1707.

What is Great Britain?


Ichabod Jones sailed on British ship with a bunch of British sailors.  he was a loyalist and had supplies but would not give it until Main lifted the lumber boycott. Referred to as the first American naval battle.

 What is the attack on the Margaretta?


to force

What is coerce?


sailed on the Margaretta bringing supplies but we're not give them until Maine lifted the lumber boycott.

 who is Ichabod Jones?


The years of the French-Indian War.

What is 1754-1763?


Judges in England also gave officials in the colonies these documents.

What are Writs of Assistance?


Occurred in September of 1775 British warships headed along the Maine Coast raiding Patriot towns.  The British commander gave the people of this city one day to leave their town before they burned it to the ground. This event was known as what?

What is the Burning of Falmouth?