What does IDEA stand for?
IDEA: Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act
From Birth to 6 months, a baby should move his eyes in the direction of sound~ True or False?
Who are behavior analysts?
Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) receive advanced graduate training in professional ethics, principles of learning, applied research methods, behavior assessment and intervention, and personnel
supervision and management.
What does an Audiologist Do?
Diagnose, treat, educate/prevent hearing
loss & balance disorders.
Work with all ages, but pediatrics are a
specialization in the field.
Other roles include intraoperative
monitoring, hearing conservation/
industrial audiology, educational
audiology, tinnitus, balance, and research
Who Are the Members of the NICU team?
Physician/Nurse Practitioner
Specialists (orthopedic, cardiac, neurology, genetics,
gastro-intestinal, surgical, ophthalmology, ENT)
Care Coordination (SW), discharge planning
Respiratory Therapy
Lactation Consultant
6 to 12 months, the baby should have one or two words (hi, dog, dada, mama) around the first birthday,
although sounds may not be clear. True or False?
What is Title V?
Title V" refers to the federal "Maternal and Child Health Services Block Grant Program," which is a partnership between the federal government and states aimed at supporting the health and well-being of mothers, infants, children, and their families, particularly those with special healthcare needs; essentially providing funding for programs and services to improve their health outcomes.
Hearing loss only affects the elderly: True or False
False- it can effect anyone at any age.
What is important in a NICU environment?
Sound/Noise Levels
Caregiver Interventions
What are the Models of Inter-Professional Care?
Who are school psychologists?
School psychologists receive advanced graduate training in education and psychology and hold credentials through departments of
education or license board.
What does (PECS) stand for?
Picture Exchange Communication
What is the ( GMA) assessment?
Prechtl (General Movements Assessment)
At what age should a child understand 10,000 words or more and use 900-2,000 different word
Age 4-5
Who was Dorthea Dix?
Advocate for People
with Disabilities and Advocate for
Asylums. She was from Maine
Core Vocabulary is a small set of words that makes up a percentage of what we use daily. What is that percentage?
80 %
What is the classification system for CP?
Level I: Walks without restrictions, limitations in more advanced
gross motor skills
• Level II: Walks without assistive devices; limitations walking
outdoors and in community
• Level III: Walks with assistive mobility devices; ; limitations
walking outdoors and in community
• Level IV: Self mobility with limitations; children are transported
or use power mobility outdoors
• Level V: Self-mobility is severely limited even with use of assistive
How is Public Health Defined( WHO)?
Public Health is defined as “the art
and science of preventing disease,
prolonging life and promoting
health through the organized efforts
of society” (Acheson, 1988; WHO).
What year does Pineland Close?
On what pages of the Trainee Handbook does it discuss the Elective Project?
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