History and Evolution
Mainframe Products
Operating Systems
Applications and Use Cases
Fun facts

Question: This term for large-scale computers was first coined in the early 1960s.

Answer: What is "mainframe"


Question: This IBM mainframe product is a hierarchical database management system widely used for high-performance transaction processing. 

Answer: What is IMS (Information Management System)? 


Question: This operating system has historically dominated mainframe computing.

Answer: What is z/OS?


Question: Mainframes are widely used in this industry for processing large volumes of financial transactions securely. 

Answer: What is the banking industry?


Question: Mainframes handle 90% of this type of transactions. 

Answer: What is credit card transaction?


Question: This company introduced the first commercially successful mainframe computer, the 700 series.

Answer: What is IBM?


Question: Known for its role in online transaction processing (OLTP), this IBM mainframe product provides transaction management and connectivity for applications. 

Answer: What is CICS (Customer Information Control System)? 


Question: The term "MVS" in mainframe computing stands for this.  

Answer: What is Multiple Virtual Storage?


Question: This specific application area relies on mainframes for managing reservations, ticketing, and scheduling.

Answer: What is airline reservations systems?


Question: Mainframes support these modern programming languages, facilitating the development of new applications.

Answer: What are Java and Python?


Question: This was IBM’s groundbreaking family of mainframe computers introduced in 1964 

Answer: What is the IBM System/360?


Question: This IBM mainframe product is a messaging middleware that facilitates communication between applications across different platforms.

Answer: What is MQ (WebSphere MQ or IBM MQ)?


Question: In mainframe terminology, "LPAR" stands for this.

Answer: What is Logical Partition (LPAR)?


Question: Mainframes are employed in this sector for tasks such as processing insurance claims and managing policy data. 

Answer: What is the insurance industry? 


Question: Mainframes handle 68% of the world’s production IT workloads, yet they account for only 6% of 'blank'? 

Answer: What is IT cost?


Question: Mainframe computers peaked in popularity during this decade.

Answer: What is the 1970s?


Question: IBM's relational database management system (RDBMS) designed for enterprise-wide solutions on mainframes.

Answer: What is DB2 (Database 2)?


Question: This mainframe operating system is renowned for its virtualization capabilities.  

Answer: What is z/VM?


Question: Mainframes are utilized in this sector for managing inventory, sales data, and logistics across global operations. 

Answer: What is retail (e.g., supermarkets, chain stores)?


Question: IBM’s z16 system can support up to 40 'blank' of memory

Answer: What is terabytes?


Question: This mainframe architecture introduced support for Linux and Java in the early 2000s

What is IBM zSeries


Question: This product was developed by IBM in the mid-1960s, and was initially conceived to manage the Apollo space program's vast amounts of data. 

Answer: What is IMS ?


Question: "JES" is a critical component of mainframe operating systems and stands for this.

Answer: What is Job Entry Subsystem?


Question: This famous mainframe-based game from the early days of computing was a precursor to modern computer games.

Answer: What is "Adventure" (also known as Colossal Cave Adventure)?


Question: An IBM Z System mainframe can survive an earthquake having a magnitude of at least 'blank' on the Richter scale. 

Answer: What is 8.0?