Where the journey to recovery starts
Early Abstinence
The belief in one's own ability to influence and affect change in one's own life
Building awareness for a need to change/Denial of a problem
Step 1
We admitted we were powerless over our addiction and that our lives had become unmanageable
A plan to aid in avoiding triggers
Relapse Prevention
When the healing begins
Repair (stage)
These help people in recovery deal with stressful events
Coping Skills
Increasing the pros for change and decreasing the cons for change
Step 2
We came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity
List 3 supports for your recovery
Examples: family, kids, Higher Power, etc.
Where individuals start learning and developing new skills to live a sober lifestyle
Growth (stage)
Being kind to oneself
Commit to making a change and plan
Step 3
We made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood God
A mentor and friend that supports one's recovery progress
When individuals start to rebuild their lives not centered around addiction
Advanced Recovery
Making a mistake and being able to move forward
Implement and revise the plan for change as needed
Step 4
We made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves
The final stage in recovery
Maintenance (stage)
Taking positive action to avoid triggers
Recovery Maintenance
Integrate change into one's lifestyle
Step 10
We continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong, promptly admitted it
List 3 things you are grateful for