Basic Bible Teachings
Common Scriptures
False Teachings
If You Know You Know

A beautiful parklike garden where the righteous will live forever.

What is a Paradise?


In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth

What is Genesis 1:1?


The annual Christian festival celebrating Christ's birth.

What is Christmas?


This prophet was not anointed with oil but with holy spirit. He fulfilled numerous prophecies, and even after his death, he continued to fulfill prophecies.

Who is Jesus?


This year would see the beginning of the worst time of trouble the earth had yet known.

What is 1914?


The true God of the Bible, the Creator of all things.

What is Jehovah? or Who is Jehovah?


And this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.

What is Matthew 24:14?


A place of fire and brimstone, or unending torment and anguish for sinners

What is Hellfire?


God's word says, "...(he) walked with the true God". And God gave him a covenant by means of a rainbow that "never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all flesh."

Who is Noah?


This number identifies the political system as a gross failure in God's sight.

What is 666?


This book contains 66 smaller books, and it was written approximately 1,600 years ago.

What is the Bible?


Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you.

What is James 4:8?


The early Christian philosophers adopted the Greek concept that the soul never dies...

What is an Immortal Soul?


He "continued growing up with Jehovah". Perhaps at the age of three he began a life of service at the sacred tabernacle of Jehovah at Shiloh.

Who is Samuel?


This term does not appear in the Bible. However, it means: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

What is the Golden Rule?


This is a real government established by Jehovah God.

What is God's Kingdom?


Children, be obedient to your parents in union with the Lord, for this is righteous.

What is Ephesians 6:1?


The Christian Godhead as one God in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

What is the Trinity?


He was assigned to preach to "the city of bloodshed". He got afraid and ran in the opposite direction, he later learned from his mistakes after being in the belly of a big fish for 3 days.

Who is Jonah?


In 1824 the bones of several kinds of fossilized reptiles were unearthed. It is possible that the Bible is referring to them at Genesis 1:21 footnote as "monsters"

What are Dinosaurs?


The greatest time of trouble ever to come upon mankind.

What is the Great Tribulation?


Whoever does not love has not come to know God, because God is love.

What is 1John 4:8?


Veneration, love, worship, or adoration of anything except the true God.

What is Idolatry? or What is Idol Worship?


She was a prophetess, and she took a tambourine and sang: "Sing to Jehovah, for he has become highly exalted."

Who is Miriam?


A Jewish celebration of God's liberating the Israelites from Egyptian slavery in 1513 B.C.E

What is the Passover?