American Revolution
A New Nation
A Nation Divided
20th Century
North Carolina
This document was written with phrases like "unalienable rights" and "pursuit of happiness" as a way of breaking away from Great Britain.
What is the Declaration of Independence?
This document allowed the United States to be separate states and governments after the American Revolution. Briefly, anyway.
What is the Articles of Confederation?
This treaty ended the War of 1812 and nobody won or lost this war.
What is the Treaty of Ghent?
This law pushed for fair competition between businesses when certain people were 'monopolizing' in the late 1800s.
What is the Sherman Antitrust Act?
The North Carolina flag shows the dates for these events, both of which led to the colony breaking away from Great Britain.
What are the Mecklenburg and Halifax Resolves?
He was the chief author of the Declaration of Independence and worked with John Adams and Benjamin Franklin on a panel.
Who is Thomas Jefferson?
Alexander Hamilton and James Madison were for a central government, as they pushed for it in this series of essays.
What are the Federalist Papers?
This was one of many agreements that allowed Missouri to be a slave state and allowed Maine to be a free state.
What is the Missouri Compromise of 1820?
The 19th amendment allowed this after people like Susan B. Anthony fought for it.
What is women's voting rights?
Learning opportunity: In 1776 the N.C. State constitution called for this, the 1868 constitution called for something more, and the 1971 constitution banned these.
What is the declaration of rights (1776), more power to the people and governor (1868), and the banishment of poll taxes and literacy tests (1971)
The colonists tried one last time to make peace with this document, but King George III dismissed it.
What is the Olive Branch Petition?
At the Constitutional Convention the delegates eventually agreed on combining the Virginia and New Jersey Plan, allowing a House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. This was called -------
What is the Great Compromise?
This allowed popular sovereignty, or the right for people to decide for themselves whether slavery should be allowed in certain U.S. territories?
What is the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
Upton Sinclair's 'The Jungle' and other writings led to the passage of this law for more sanitary food.
What is the Pure Food and Drug Act?
This was the result of efforts from people like Archibald Murphey who worked to advance North Carolina from its 'Rip Van Winkle' phase?
What is public education?
Thomas Paine wrote this pamphlet encouraging the colonists to fight for independence from Great Britain.
What is Common Sense?
Patrick Henry and George Mason were anti-federalists, or against a central government. They would not have wanted the U.S. Constitution to pass unless it included this set of individual rights.
What is the Bill of Rights?
President Abraham Lincoln issued this executive order to free the slaves in the South during the Civil War. It was mostly a war measure.
What is the Emancipation Proclamation?
Martin Luther King Jr, the Greensboro Four, etc. all fought for the creation and enforcement of this document.
What is the Civil Rights Act-1964?
These conventions discussed approving the U.S. Constitution, with the first tabling it and the other approving it.
What are the Hillsborough and Fayetteville conventions?
In 1783 the Americans and the British signed this document to end the war and let the Americans be free.
What is the Treaty of Paris?
The first three Articles of the Constitution guarantee powers ( or separation of powers) to these three branches of government.
What are the Legislative, Executive, and the Judicial branches?
After the Civil War these amendments abolished slavery, allowed equal citizenship rights, and equal voting rights, respectively.
What are the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments?
Just for fun: this war led to the passage of the 26th amendment, or lowering the voting age from 21 to 18.
What is the Vietnam War?
Who was the governor that pushed for universalized education during the early 1900s?
Who is Charles B. Aycock?