The founder of Judaism
Who is Abraham?
Christianity is founded on the teachings of this man.
Who is Jesus?
The founder of Islam
Who is Muhammad?
This is the belief in one God.
What is monotheism?
Followers of this religion pray five times a day facing Mecca.
What is Islam?
This man is an important figure in Judaism because he led the Israelites out Egypt.
Who is Moses?
Christians believe that Jesus is this, otherwise known as a savior.
What is the Messiah?
This is who Muslims believe is the one true God, as this word translates to Arabic as "God."
Who is Allah?
This refers to Jesus' death on a cross.
What is crucifixion?
The Star of David is a symbol of this religion.
What are Judaism?
These are the basic rules of the Hebrew Bible. Received at Mount Sinai, some rules prohibit murder, stealing, and worshipping other gods.
What are the Ten Commandments?
What is resurrection?
This is the name of the holy book of Islam.
What is the Quran?
This is the term for the journey to Mecca that all Muslims are expected to take part of at least once in their life.
What is the Hajj?
Yom Kippur is one of the most important holidays in this religion.
What is Judaism?
Also the name of the second book in the Hebrew Bible, this is the term for the Israelites escaping slavery out of Egypt.
What is Exodus?
These are the people who were spreading the message of Jesus after his death. Peter and Paul are two examples.
What are apostles?
This is where muslims go to pray and worship.
What is a mosque?
This was the name given to followers of Jesus.
What are disciples?
This religion observes the holiday of Ramadan, which includes fasting from sunrise to sunset.
What is Islam?
This is the celebration of the Jewish New Year.
What is Rosh Hashana?
This is the town where Jesus was born.
What is Bethlehem?
(FINAL JEOPARDY) Muslims believe in the Five Pillars of Islam. Name all 5.
What are Declaration of Faith, Prayer, Charity, Fasting, and Pilgrimage (Hajj)?
A religious teacher of Judaism.
What is rabbi?
The New Testament is a part of this religion’s holy scriptures.
What is Christianity?