Name all the principles of the constitution!
Popular Soverignty, Separations of Powers, Checks and Balances, Individual liberties, Federalism
Must be 25, 7 years as a citizen, and live in state you represent.
What country has the two political parties?
US( United States)
Define Dred Scott Vs. Sanford
African Americans were considered free but not a citizen.
Presidential order to pardon groups of people
Belief government power isn't absolute Example:Magna Carta Nobles forced the king to sign limiting his power.
Limited Government
Must be 30, citizen for 9 years, and live in state you represent.
What countries has a one political party?
Russia, Cuba, Vietnam, North Korea, China
Name a two responsibilities of being an US citizen.
Respect and obey federal state, local laws
legislatve consisting of two houses
Believed people entered a social contract with the government to keep peace and order.
Thomas Hobbes
Must be 35 years old, natural citizen (born in U.s), and a resident of 14 years in a row.
What political party is apart of the government watchdog party?
Name a reason for the patriots act
Helped us find terrorist and to help save lives
Meeting a political party members for business
Ratification divided delegates into two. One favored the constitution and one didn't favor the new one.
Federalist and Anti-Federalists
Which branch is in Article 3 section one. The supreme court?
Judicial Branch
Name two ways of how the political parties show issues to the public.
Through the Radio, TV, Newspaper, websites, and social media.
What was the gentleman agreement of 1907?
Arrangement between Japan and US about issues mainly over immigration.
Legal process when citizens become one of another country
How many amendments are there today? The constitution is made up of what three parts? When was the constitution complete?
It is 27 amendments today and the constitution is made up of Premable, Articles, and the Amendments. The constitution was completed September 17, 1787.
What is another name for Elastic Clause?
Necessary and Proper
The "Big Two" led to failure due to?
A lack of funds, Support from the people, Lack of public attention.
What is the difference between Civil Liberties and Civil Rights?
Civil Liberties focuses more on individuals and Civil Rights focus on equality on stopping discrimination.
"Rule by the people"
Popular Soverighnty