Make the money, don't let the money make you.
Change the game, don't let the game change you.
We start thinking about some kicks, a necklace
What I really need is a job off craig's list
Of course I want dubs and a candy painted 'lac
Concrete, vagabond, van telling stories
Humbled by the road, I'm realizing I'm not important
See life's a beautiful struggle, I record it

What is debt?

When you owe money to somebody or something


What allows you access to the bank's money?

credit cards


When you pay a company a small amount of money each month so in the event of something bad happening, they will cover the cost of that event



Fill in the blank.

In order to grow your networth, you must spend ______ than you make.



Investing is a borderline guaranteed way to get _____ money.



What is it called when a bank or person gives you money but you have to pay them back later?



Fixed expenses are something that are roughly the same each month like rent, car payments, and phone bills.

What are variable expenses, and what is an example of one?

Variable expenses are things that you don't always spend money on, or they change each month. 

Examples include Christmas, a birthday, vacations, gas, groceries, personal care products, clothes


What is the name of the loan used to buy a house?



What is automation?

Setting it up so that money is automatically put into your savings account, making saving mindless and easy.


The word used for not "putting all your eggs in one basket."



Active income vs. Passive income

Active: income that comes from you working for it

Passive: income that does not require everyday action 


What are the first things your money should go towards?

Needs: food, water, shelter, transportation (if needed)


What is the money called that you owe the government for the services they provide?



Money that is accessible and easy to move around is known as being ________. 



Is it a good idea to start investing while you are paying off debt? Explain.

You should NOT begin investing money while you still owe money to others. Handle your basics before doing extra. Pay debt, pay bills. 

How would you feel if you loaned your friend $100 dollars, and instead of paying you back when they had the money, they bet it on a basketball game?


What is a side hustle? 

What is a reason someone might have one? 

Give an example of a side hustle

Side hustles are ways to create extra income on top of their primary income.

People may start doing a side hustle to achieve a savings goal, avoid going into debt, fund vacations, follow a passion

Examples include: driving uber, shipt, making and selling art, photography, door dash


What is the name for the number that measures how well you manage debt?

Credit Score


What are the 3 most important types of insurance?

Health, car, home (or renters)


How do you make sure that an unexpected life expense such as a flat tire or broken furnace don't result in you spiraling into debt?

Create an emergency fund. 

With an emergency fund you don't need to be constantly worried about things going wrong, you are able to handle them and just deal with things as they come up.


When can you retire? 

You can retire when you reach a financial point that you no longer need your job to pay for your expenses. 

Retirement is NOT an age, it is a financial number.


What are 2 differences between jobs and careers?

Jobs are short term, used to meet short term money goals, purpose is survival, not necessarily something that is enjoyable

Careers are long term, often connected to life goals, something you're passionate about, gives you purpose, offers opportunities to gain responsibility and get promoted, generate more money in the long run


How do banks benefit if your credit card holds a balance?

If your card holds a balance, the bank is making money off you.

You need to pay the bank back for the money you spent that month. If you don't pay back the full amount, the bank charges you interest as a "price" for using their money. Interest is a percentage of the balance on the card. 


Name 3 things that can affect the cost of car insurance?

Cost of car 

Type of car

Car color

Driver's age

Driving record

Amount of coverage purchased

Company used


Necessary bills are not a choice, they are things we need and can't browse around and get the best price. Examples include trash, water, gas, electric, property taxes.

What are unnecessary bills and what are 2 examples?

Unnecessary bills are for services that you choose and you are often able to browse providers. Examples include internet, streaming services, cell phone.


What is a mutual fund and what is the benefit of them?

Mutual funds are professionally blended mixtures of stocks and bonds, they automatically diversify your money and the risk level can be adjusted based on your goals. 

More stock and less bonds increases risk. More bonds and less stock lowers risk.