Philosophy of MYD
School Wide Expectations
Mr. Taylor's Classroom
Sitting in a chair, facing forward, no talking, and reflecting on the behavior that got you there.
What is the proper way to sit on step one.
No student has the right to interfere with the learning, safety, and well being of others.
What is one MYD rule?
Green, burgundy or gray.
What are the school uniform colors?
What is the amount of points a student earns during a class period?
Never during the first or last 10 minutes of class.
When can a student ask to go to the bathroom?
The result of a student interfering with the learning and safety of others or not meeting expectations during class.
What is the reason for choosing step?
The belief that students should be taught the appropriate behavior for a classroom environment without taking them out of the classroom.
What is the philosophy of choosing step.
Level 0.
What is the sound level while walking in the hallway?
The time period when a student can praise a group or individual, or may take the opportunity to address a grievance with an individual.
What are compliments and concerns?
Sitting up, leaning forward, ask questions, no talking, track the speaker.
What is SLANT?
This student is standing up facing the wall in the back of the classroom and has chosen to grab a piece of paper and throw it across the classroom.
What is a choice for choosing step 3?
To allow students the ability to understand that their actions result in fair, logical, and predictable consequences that are enforced in a manner that preserves their dignity.
What is the purpose of MYD?
Gum, candy, soda, sugary snacks, any unhealthy snacks.
What are foods not allowed on campus?
To offer the student the ability to reflect on their choices and behaviors during class.
What is the reason for taking points?
Points earned or lost by teams for on task or off task behavior. A team may earn these by answering questions correctly or working well together.
What are group points?
A student standing up in the back of the classroom reading a sign that says, "No Student has the right to interfere with the learning, safety, and well being of others.
What is step three?
Free will and choice enhance the students ability to develop an internal locus of control.
What are the important components of MYD?
Students will walk at a level 0 all the way outside and remain single file until they reach the ramp where they are released by the recess coordinator.
What is the lunch recess procedure?
A MYD slip.
What is the result of not earning full points consistently?
When a student does not want to participate in activities or individual assignments a student will sit on step one in the back of the classroom.
What is opting out?
Fighting, open defiance, inappropriate language, going through the step process, ditching class, vandalism of school property, theft.
What is the reasons for automatic step 4 or 5.
To create A consistent environment, a high regard for privacy, and an understanding of individual needs to establish a feeling of being treated fairly.
What is the goal of MYD?
Third block from the wall, facing forward, level 0 and waiting for instructions to enter class.
What are the expectations of lining up in the hallway?
To give your best effort in all activities and assignments and to meet the daily content goals along with expectations.
What is the way to succeed in Mr. Taylor's class?