The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
This project was the first lesson of the Year Mr. Luke was a part of.
This goat hops around and is cared for on the St. Johns campus.
!evlos ot ysaE
Easy to Solve!
This Day is Mr. Luke's Birthday
March 5th
Holling HoodHood
The Wednesday Wars
This is the name of the metal piece of the 3d Printer that extrudes plastic.
This place on campus was the final area during the Valentines Scavenger hunt.
Mike Alpha Kilo Echo Romeo Sierra Papa Alpha Charlie Echo
Makerspace! (Phonetic Alpabet)
Collect 200
Collect 200
This program tinkerCAD is a form of software called CAD. CAD, stands for this.
Computer Assisted Design
This colorfully named area lets students play and roam around during recess.
Green Space
dszquphsbqiz (+1)
Cryptography (Caesar Cipher)
This ring of plastic spins around our bodies and was patented on this day in 1963. Hawaii?
Hula Hoop
Mr. Tumnus
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
What type of energy was increased by Mr. Luke climbing up to the roof during the Egg drop Project.
(Gravitational) Potential Energy
This room in the north building holds the supplies teachers and students need for lessons throughout the week
North Building Makerspace
This Cipher uses lines and dots such as # and X to encode messages. Bacon?
March 5th falls in to this astrological zodiac sign.
Hang the Moon
This is the name of the discipline of coats of arms and armorial bearings. Used to distinguish ones self in medieval times.
St John's Mcallen was established in this year.
This is the name of how our data is sent across protected internet traffic. It encodes our data and prevents it from being stolen.
This makerspace teacher is this many Years old!