True or false: We know more about taste than the other four senses.
Paragraph 2
True or false: You taste sweetness with only the tip of your tongue.
Paragraph 4
True or false: Without added coloring, most supermarket meat would be gray.
Paragraph 5
According to Reading 2, which part of the body sends the first signals about a food to the brain?
The eyes
Paragraph 1
True or false: Elderly people are often supertasters because they have a lot of experience eating food.
Paragraph 5, sentence 7
A sweet taste indicates that a food has...
A) Energy
B) Minerals
C) Protein
A) Energy
Paragraph 5
True or false: If something has a darker color, we think it will have a stronger or sweeter flavor.
Paragraph 4
True or false: People liked the taste of food more when it was served on white plates instead of black plates.
Paragraph 5
According to reading 3, what factor other than genes affects people's food preferences.
paragraph 3
Why do we dislike bitter foods?
Because many poisonous foods taste bitter.
What is a special cell that senses chemicals in food?
A) Saliva
B) Taste bud
c) Bump
B) Taste bud
Paragraph 3
True or false: Taste buds are found only on the tongue.
Paragraph 4
When people drank the lemon-flavored drink in paragraph 3, They didn't taste lemon. What flavor did they taste instead?
...because the drink was red.
Africans and Asians are more likely to have a high number of taste buds than Europeans are.
Paragraph 4
According to paragraph 2, why do some people have a "sweet tooth".
Because they can't taste sweetness well.
What does a sour taste in food indicate?
It has vitamins.
Paragraph 5
What word from reading 2, paragraph 2 means "ready to eat".
Which paragraph has this main idea: We use color to know if a food is safe or ready to eat.
Paragraph 2
True or false: The food pregnant people eat can influence the food preferences of their children once they are born.
Paragraph 3
Which paragraph has this main idea: Some people are what is called "supertasters".
Paragraph 4
smell and touch
Paragraphs 6 and 7
What word from reading 2, paragraph 5 means "good looking".
Which paragraph has this main idea: Restaurants and stores that sell food understand the importance of color.
Paragraph 5
True or false: A person who likes pickles might be more likely to complain about a coworker.
What do scientists call people who are bad at tasting certain tastes.
Paragraph 4