Who am I?
What am I?
Where am I?
When is it?

Clive is a big, strong man and he’s not afraid of very much at all. He helps to rescue people from their homes when there is an emergency. Clive gets to slide down a tall poll every day and he especially loves driving his big, red truck with loud sirens on. Who am I?

A fire fighter


I buzz around from flower to flower. I have black stripes on my body in between my yellow colored hairs. I use my stinger for defense against my enemies.

A bumblebee


The door opened automatically as I entered. I took a cart and head to the dairy section. I took milk and eggs and went straight to the cashier. Where am I?

The grocery store


I jumped out of bed, threw on my bathing suit, grabbed my flip flops, and headed out to the pool. What season is it? 



I didn't sleep well last night and now I have been up all day. How do I feel?

Tired, exhausted


I begin my day with small tools to clean my patient's teeth. I placed the paper bib on her and shined a light so I could see. I found one cavity. After all her teeth were clean, I gave her a toothbrush. Who am I?

A dentist


I am part of your arm. I am where to bones meet, but I am not a shoulder. What am I? 



Jane knew she had to make this shot. The whole game depended on her. She dribbled the ball and threw it. She closed her eyes and hoped she made it! Where is Jane? 

A basketball game


My mother told me I had to take the trash out. I put on my coat and grabbed a flashlight. I flipped on the porch light and carried the trash down to the curb. What time of day is it? 

Night time


Fred pounded on the keyboard and clicked the mouse. “Why won’t this thing work?” he said. Finally, he gave up and stomped off. How does Fred feel?

Frustrated, angry, annoyed, irritated


You may want to have my phone number around just in case your house has a leaky pipe! My services come in handy when your house is having problems with the kitchen sink, faucet, or bath tub. Who am I?

A plumber

I have legs and a back, but I am not a human or animal. You can sit on me, but I am not a sofa. What am I?

A chair


Ana and Sophie sat in their chairs staring straight ahead for nearly two hours. They did not talk or hardly even move, but they were not bored at all. Where are Ana and Sophie?

The movie theater


Crunch! Crunch! Crunch! As I walk the street I was so amazed with what I am seeing -- yellow, orange, red, and brown. I've never seen colorful leaves on the ground before. What season is it?



White flakes fell from the sky and covered the roads. Lucy crawled out of bed and peeked out the window. Her eyes lit up when she realized she definitely wouldn’t have school today! How is Lucy feeling?

Excited, surprised


I put on my white coat and begin chopping carrots. Behind me is a pot of boiling broth. I choose some nice spices and sprinkle them in the pot. When it is done, I pour a bowl of hot soup and give it to the waiter. Who am I?

A chef


I am very sticky, but hard to see when dry. I go round and round across the page until I eventually run out. If you stick with me, in one piece you will be. What am I?

A gluestick


My legs trembled as I sat down in the small seat. The bars came over my shoulders, and I grasped them. As soon as I began moving, my eyes grew wide and I let out a scream!

On a roller coaster 


“Ohhh, Ahh!” said the boys. As another one sparkled in the sky, they jumped for joy. Boom! As soon as the show was over, the tired boys went home to bed. What holiday is it?  

Fourth of July


It was 8:30 on Thursday night. Emily stared at the large, empty poster board on her bed. Then she looked at the stack of books about Abraham Lincoln on her desk. Emily began to cry. How is Emily feeling?

Stressed, overwhelmed 


I have quite an exciting job that allows me to work with lots of exotic animals. I work hard from the early morning to the end of the day because a lot of animals depend on me. I am in charge of feeding animals, cleaning habitats, and making sure all the animals are happy and healthy. Who am I?

A zookeeper 


I am not a magician, but I make things disappear. I come in all shapes and sizes, but am most often found in pink. I can be a writer's best friend. What am I?

An eraser


Haley read the menu and tried to decide what she should order. The waitress came over and said, "What can I get for you tonight?" Where is Haley?   

A restaurant


My parents have been cooking all day long. There is so much food! Turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, I don't know how we're going to eat it all. While I wait to eat dinner, I watch the parade and football games. What holiday is it? 



Sophia threw on mismatched socks and forgot to brush her teeth. She ran out the door just in time to see the bus drive by. Sophia walked back inside to tell her mom. How do you think Sophia is feeling? 

Bonus: How do you think Sophia's mom is feeling?

Sophia: worried, nervous, frustrated 

Sophia's mom: disappointed