Context Clues
Setting (When and Where)
Character's Feelings or Traits
Job Riddles
Animal Riddles

Brady and Mac get involved in the rivalry between the soccer game. The two battled to reach the soccer ball first. This is another word for rivalry.

What is a competition? 


A place of total darkness, may find bats here 

What is a cave?

Someone whispers in Jennifer's ear. She laughs hysterically and falls down laughing. She must feel this.
What is happy?
I sometimes wear a big white hat and feed people breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
What is a chef?
I am the only animal that has four legs, neighs, and often wears shoes.
What is a horse?

Josh is a very rambunctious child, not like jared who is very quiet and to himself. 

What is wild?

A place where the sun is shining and the sails are blowing in the breeze.
What is a boat?
He knew he had to tell the truth, even though he did not want to. He felt relieved and also proud because he was so...
What is brave?

I am needed when there is a leak or spill in the house. I have a special box of tools. 

What is a plumber?

I have eight legs and a nasty pinch. I don't live on a web, but instead in the ocean out of site.
What is a crab?

Sara who is very insolent is not like her brother who is very polite and kind. Insolent means this. 

What is rude?


The capitol of this state has almost the same name as the state and is shaped like a cooking pan.

What is Oklahoma?

The girl was sure of which way to go on her way to school. She raised her hand high when the teacher asked a question. She was not afraid to try out for clubs and sports. She was this.
What is confident?

I work at a desk. I take phone calls. I make appointments. 

What is a receptionist?

My name is another word for how many arms I have!
What is an octopus?
Marty is gregarious, not like his brother who is quiet and shy. Gregarious means this.
What is loud and outgoing.

Children may experience anxiety as their turn approaches. They may be nervous someone's performance might be better than theirs. 

What is a talent show?

A note was passed between two people. Both smiled, held hands, and they both seemed very happy. These two people are this.
What is in love?
I drive a car. I move people around. 

What is a taxi driver?

A creature of the night that is missing natural eyesight.
What is a bat?

I am determined to graduate with honors and my friend is just as resolute. Resolute means this.

What is determined?


This country is in Europe and it is shaped like a boot.

What is italy?

It wagged its tail at the thought of a treat. However, the treat did not come soon enough. The dog bit through furniture in anticipation. The dog can be described as this.
What is impatient?

My job is not on earth. I wear a special outfit. I travel long distances.  

What is an astronaut. 


My wings are used as flippers
So in water I can flow
Sometimes when on land I slide
On my belly in the snow

What are penguins?