The Canadian province of Quebec was originally settled by French fur traders. Eventually, cities grew to support the fur trade. As a result, other industries (such as logging) became the main source of income for residents. 

Based on this passage, you can infer that some residents of Quebec may speak which language? 

a. French


Tsewang flicked the light switch on and off, but nothing happened. He tried to turn on his TV, but it wouldn’t come on either. He began to worry because soon it would be dark and he was in the house alone. 

Based on this description, what can the reader infer? 

C. The power has gone out.


Dominic’s little brother looked at the new bike a bit apprehensively. “Are you sure I won’t get hurt?” he asked Dominic. Dominic replied, “Oh you might fall once or twice, but you’ll be okay. Just wear your helmet.” Dominic’s little brother looked up at him, “And you will hold onto it so it doesn’t fall over?” Dominic nodded. 

From this excerpt, what can the reader infer? 

C. Dominic’s little brother is learning to ride a bicycle.


Betzi looked around the classroom but didn’t see her friend Reema anywhere. “Hmmm…” she thought. “Reema was coughing a lot yesterday and said she had a sore throat.” 

The reader can reasonably infer which of the following statements? 

C. Reema is ill and stayed home today.


“Hmmm,” said the school nurse as she looked at Tsewang. “Sit down here,” she said, helping him sit on the examining table. Then she popped a thermometer into his mouth. “Do you feel as if you have a fever?” she asked him. Tsewang nodded his head yes. Then the nurse felt under Tsewang’s jaw. “Very swollen, young man,” she announced. “Your glands are very swollen. Have you been playing with Pablo?” Tsewang nodded his head yes. “I thought so,” said the nurse. “Pablo went home with the mumps two days ago, and mumps are contagious.” 

It is likely that: 

B. A contagious disease is one that can be caught from one person and spread to another.


Carrots are an excellent source of retinol. Retinol is a pure form of vitamin A and is essential for good vison and strong teeth. It is often found in foods such as eggs, liver, and fish. For vegetarians, the best source of retinol is carrots. 

Based on this passage, what can you infer about the amount of retinol in eggs, liver, and fish? 

b. It is less than the amount in carrots.


Charles loved going to the zoo. He especially loved visiting his favorite animal. He thought its spotted coat was beautiful and found its long, long neck very graceful. He was always amazed when one walked close to him or stretched out to eat the leaves at the top of the tree. 

The reader can infer that Charles’s favorite animal is...

B. giraffe


When Yara walked into the house, all of her friends jumped out and yelled “Surprise!” She saw a stack of brightly wrapped gifts on the table, along with a cake with ten candles on it. Colorful balloons were tied to all of the chairs. 

Based on this description, which of the following is a reasonable inference? 

A. It is Yara's birthday.


Caroline and her mom watched the large van truck drive away slowly. Then, they walked through the empty rooms of the house one last time before getting into the car and leaving. 

The reader can reasonably infer which of the following statements? 

B. Caroline and her mom are moving.


Jazzy and Charles were standing waiting for their turns. So far, they were winning by 25 points, but if Olivia and Shamire were catching up. Jazzy watched as Olivia took her stance facing the target. She could see the bale of straw behind the target. There were no trees or buildings, just the bales of straw and the targets. Olivia straightened her elbow and wrist. She eyed the target. She let go of the string. 

It was a bulls-eye! It is likely that: 

A. Jazzy and the others are at an archery contest at school.


Katie and Jazzy both auditioned for a singing role in a musical. Katie landed a spot in the musical, but Jazzy did not. 

The reader can reasonably infer: 

b. The directors thought Katie was a better singer than Jazzy.


Shamire was promoted from third to fifth grade. The teachers at his school decided he did not have to attend fourth grade at all. 

The reader can infer: 

C. Shamire did extremely well in the third grade.


Caleb let his dog, Roscoe, into the house. Roscoe ran over his food bowl and wildly began to wag his tail. 

The reader can reasonably infer: 

C. Roscoe is hungry.


Edwin was surprised when he saw Elijah come into the classroom with a cast on his arm. He had seen Elijah fall off his bike the day before, but he didn’t realize the injury was so serious. 

Based on this excerpt, which of the following can the reader infer? 

A. Elijah broke his arm when he fell off his bike.


“Robert, where is your homework?” asked the teacher. “Ummm. I was sick,” said Robert. “But you were in school,” said the teacher. “Ummm, yeah, but I got sick after school. That’s why I didn’t do my homework,” said Robert. “But I saw you at the basketball game last night, Robert,” said the teacher. “Umm, yeah,” said Robert, “but I got sick after the game.” “But you should have done your homework before the game, Robert. It’s too late to do it after the game.” 

It is likely that: 

B. The teacher is upset with Robert.


Robert and Pablo both glanced around the room nervously as the teacher handed back the graded tests. The teacher handed Pablo his test and smiled. The teacher handed Robert his test and asked, “What happened?” 

The reader can reasonably infer: 

B. Robert did not do well on the test.


Caroline loved this time of year. She love the bright red leaves on the trees, piles of leaves on sidewalks, and the decorated pumpkins and jack-o-lanterns showing up on people’s steps and porches. 

What season can the reader infer it is? 

C. autumn


The teacher told the children to clear everything but a pencil from their desks. She then began handing out tests. Austin looked startled. “Wait! Ms. Evans? The test is today? Are you sure? I thought it was tomorrow!” 

Which of the following statements can the reader infer? 

B. Austin did not study for the test.


Elijah heard loud sirens and watched as a bright red engine sped down the street in front of his house. In the distance, he could see smoke rising into the sky. 

The reader can reasonably infer which of the following statements? 

C. There is a fire on Elijah’s street.


Dominic put his hands on the desk and took a deep breath. Why did he have to take algebra? It didn’t make sense that he had to take algebra. Couldn’t he get into college without taking algebra? The principal said no. She said he had to take algebra in the ninth grade. So there he was, taking algebra. It frightened him. Dominic remembered that Victoria, his oldest sister had hated algebra. “Wait until you have to take algebra,” Victoria had said. And now, here he was in algebra class. The teacher was already writing things that didn’t make sense on the board. She had just written, “x + 4 = 7.” What in the world did that mean? X wasn’t a number! What was going on here?! 

It is likely that: 

C. In algebra you use numbers and letters.


Khadija slammed her math textbook closed and crumpled up the piece of paper she was working on. “Ugh!” she said. 

Based on this passage, what can you infer about Khadija? 

B. Khadija is having difficulty with math.


Betzi looked down; the sound of everyone’s laughter burned in her ears. She felt her face grow warm and she knew she was turning red. She wished she could just walk out of the classroom. 

Based on this description, what can the reader infer? 

A. Betzi is embarrassed.


Lauren sat in the lobby of her apartment building watching people come in from the street. Almost everyone who came in was carrying an umbrella. Those who weren’t, she observed, had wet hair and soaking wet coats. 

The reader can reasonably infer which of the following statements? 

B. It is raining outside.


A letter came in the mail for Amy. Amy’s mother showed it to her and told her she was very disappointed. “Think about the other people who are waiting for that book. You must return it immediately.” 

The reader can reasonably infer that the letter came from: 

C. the library


Austin looked all around the locker room. Wow! Junior high school was really different from elementary school! They didn’t have locker rooms in elementary school. Rows and rows of shiny red lockers filled the room. Austin walked up and down and looked around. After gym class, Austin opened his locker and threw in his gym clothes. He snapped the door closed and went to take a shower. Then he returned to the locker. But the locker wouldn’t open. “Hey!” said Austin. “What gives? Why won’t this locker open?” “You have to know the combination,” said the kid next to him. “Don’t you know it?” Uh oh, thought Austin. I’m going to be late for my next class. 

It is likely that: 

C. Austin does know the combination to the lock.