What Is It?
Who Am I?
Where Am I?
What Am I Eating?
How Am I Feeling?
You use this when you have a cold.  When your nose is running, this item is very helpful.  You can get these in a box or in a small pack for your desk or pocket.  
What is a tissue?

I work in a school.  My job is to make sure that everything in the school runs smoothly.  You may say that I am the boss of the whole school.  


Who is the principal?

There are so many different things to do that I don't know where to start.  There are rides and games everywhere I look.  I can see a giant roller coaster and people screaming on it.  I don't think I am ready for that.
What is an amusement park?
You can buy me at fast food places.  I come on a bun.  You can add ketchup or cheese.
What is a hamburger?
Carlos could not believe that his bike had been stolen!  He stomped his feet and screamed at the top of his lungs when he found out. 
What is angry?
This is a type of clothing you wear when it is cold outside.  Some of these even have hoods.  When you put this on, you put your arms in before you zip or button it up.
What is a jacket?
I write for a living.  Some people who have my job write books for children while other people write books for adults. 
Who is an author?
There are hundreds of people waiting in the building.  My family and I wait in line near a special machine that checks our luggage.  Then my parents show the worker our tickets.  After we find our gate, we wait to board the plane.  Finally, our flight is called and we get ready to board.  Soon we'll be high up in the air.
What is an airport?
You have to boil me before you can eat me.  I often am paired with meatballs.
What is spaghetti?
After all of her hard work studying, Jessica got a 100 on her math test!  Her teacher had even given her a compliment.  Jessica couldn't wait to show her parents how well she had done!
What is proud?

This object has many uses.  You can use it to make a call or check your e-mail.  Some of these will even talk to you if you ask it questions.  This item needs charged when the battery level is low.  This item will fit in your pocket.


What is a cell phone?

My job is very complicated.  I go to many government meetings in order to run the whole country.  I meet with leaders from all over the world.  While I have this job, I live in The White House in Washington, D.C.
Who is the president?

I am always excited to go here.  It is a very quiet building full of books.  My family helps me find books that I can check out.  I like to borrow a few books each week.  Then next week we will come back and I can check out other books.


What is a library?

I am cold.  I come in chocolate, vanilla, and many other flavors.  You can have me in a cup or a cone.
What is ice cream?
The day had finally arrived!  It was Josh's 10th birthday today.  He woke up before the sun was out with a great big smile on his face.
What is excited?
This is a puffy white or gray weather related object.  You can see it up in the sky.  When it becomes dark gray, watch out, because rain or snow may fall from it.
What is a cloud?
Some of the people who come to see me are not that happy about it.  When you come see me you have to keep your mouth open for a long time while I check and clean your teeth.
Who is a dentist?
There are so many different types of fish here.  I love watching all of the colorful fish swim together.  It's really neat to see the huge sharks and the sea turtles, too!  I love when my class takes a trip here.
What is the aquarium?
I am grown in Florida.  I'm sour and yellow.  I can be found in a drink ending in "ade."
What is a lemon?
As Jonah leaned to sit down, he accidentally kicked his chair out of the way, and then he flopped to the ground.  He stood up as his cheeks turned bright red.  Jonah looked down at the floor, hoping nobody was looking at him.
What is embarrassed?
Some of these are placed on desks or tables, while others are tall and stand on the floor.  There are even ones that are hung from ceilings.  This object blows air on you when it is hot to help cool you down.
What is a fan?

My job is to deliver letters and packages to people.  Some people who have my job walk to do the deliveries while others use special cars or trucks.  I work every day in the week except Sunday.

Who is a postal worker?

I was so excited when my family adopted a dog!  We took the dog to a special place to make sure that she was healthy.  The doctor there checked her eyes and mouth.  Then the doctor listened to her breathe.  After that our dog got a shot and was ready to go home.
What is the veterinarian?
You eat me with a spoon.  I can have chicken and noodles, or vegetables and rice.  I'm a good meal if you're feeling sick.
What is soup?

Juan was helping celebrate his brother's birthday.  After eating cake, his brother opened his presents.  One of his presents was a Playstation!   The exact kind that Juan had always wanted!  He wished it were his.


What is jealous?