Who Am I?
I am...
Where Am I?
What's Happening?

I can be dangerous and blow my top off. I can be hot . I release red liquid when I am angry!



Janet's eyes were very heavy. She had been studying all night and didn't get enough rest. Janet laid her head down on her desk. She is feeling...

tired, exhausted, sleepy


The water felt so good on such a hot day! I heard the other children laughing and yelling across the way. The concrete was wet from a group of teenagers splashing each other in the corner. The lifeguard watched closely to keep children from running.



If a boy is running to school then...

he is probably late.

he is excited to come to school.

it's cold outside.


The room was dark and quiet. We heard Carl and his mother come in the front door, talking. I heard two girls in the corner giggle. Another girl told them to be quiet. I hid behind the table where the cake and presents were set out. The excitement in the room grew as we waited for them to open the door.

a surprise party


Children have 20, and adults have 32. You get two sets of me, and I am your body's hardest part.



Angelica is very quiet in class. Whenever she is asked a question, her face turns red.  She'll look down while giving her answer.  Angelica gets embarrassed easily. She can be described as...

shy, bashful, timid


As we entered, a large blast of water hit the windshield. Huge, flopping sponges began to slap at the hood as we slowly moved forward. Soon, there were suds spilling over the sides. I was glad the windows were rolled up!

car wash


If Martha buys eggs, flour, and vanilla then...

she is baking a cake.

she is baking a dessert.


The line stretched forever. People put their bags on the floor and inched them forward. My father and I were tired of standing for so long. There was an announcement about a gate change and a delay on an arrival from Chicago.

in line at the airport


I am very flexible, and I like to go to parties. I come in  different sizes, shapes, and colors.  My favorite thing to do is to float.



Casey is the lead singer in the school choir. She is the leader in her dance group. Casey also is an excellent piano player. Next week, she is trying out for the school play. We all know that she will do well. She can be described as...

talented, gifted, musically inclined


As I walked in the door, I was amazed at the beautiful colors and smells. I knew it would be hard to decide what I would buy with my $5! The chocolate truffles looked delicious, but they were expensive. The jelly beans were not only cheaper, but they looked so plump! With so much to choose from, I knew I would be here a long time.

candy store


If a child keeps his room clean, does his homework, and helps his mom then...

he is responsible.

he is helpful.

he is proactive.


Sam checked in at the front desk with her mother. When they called her name, she got in the car with the DMV examiner while her mother waited inside the  DMV building. When Sam got back, she had a huge smile on her face as she ran up to her mother to share the great news.

taking her driver's test to get her driver's license


I live in a colony, but mother is the queen. I like pollen  and nectar.  Without me, plants could not reproduce flowers.



I had to make a speech in front of the school. Before the speech, I paced back and forth.  My palms were sweaty, and my heart raced. I was feeling....

nervous, scared, intimidated


I sat on the bench while Mother and Punch went into the room. I was a little worried about Punch, but I knew that he would get good care. As I waited, I watched a tiny puppy wander toward the lady with a cat in a crate. The lady at the desk talked to a man with who was buying medicine.

vet's office


If Max is wearing heavy boots, a thick jacket, and holding poles, then...

he is going skiing.


The pain had been bothering Robbie all day. He finally decided to go get the molar checked out. When he arrived, he sat in the chair and waited. He hoped the bill wouldn't be too expensive!

going to the dentist


I am a mammal and am kin to the dog family.  I travel in a pack. I am native to North America, live in a den, and can run 20 MPH.  That's fast for an animal!



John loves to live life on the edge. He climbs mountains, races cars, and wrestles alligators. Some people say he is crazy. He describes himself as....

adventurous, thrill seeker


I arrived early for my appointment. The place was busy and smelled of chemicals. I found a place to sit and wait. The lady next to me had a towel around her head. I heard a blow dryer in the distance. It was loud over the music that was playing.

hair salon


If a dad is holding on to the back of his daughter's bike while he rides it, then...

she is learning how to ride a bike.

she is new to bike riding.

she is scared to ride alone.


After the ceremony, everyone went to the reception hall.  There were many tables set up for people to sit and dine.  Balloons filled the room.  The buffet table had lots of food and drinks.  Flowers were beautifully arranged in the middle of each table.  The DJ was set up in the front of the room ready to play music so the guests could dance!

a wedding