Springfield Prep Peeps
Cause and Effect

Gabby was about to leave her house but her mom yelled, "Wait Gabby don't forget your rain boots!"

How do you think the weather is outside and why do you think that?

Rainy: you need your rain boots when it's raining outside to keep your feet dry!


What happened and how do you know?

The man fell off his bike because it's raining outside, slippery, and he was carrying too much stuff.


How is the girl in the pink feeling and why do you think that?

Scared, she's young and on a roller coaster


Greg has been going to the gym everyday, what can you infer about why?

He's trying to lose weight because he's holding his belly and he's bigger


Keyrelin raked a pile of leaves then jumped into the pile. What season do you think it is and why?

Fall/ That's when the leaves fall and people rake them up


Ms. Shaw asked a question what is 4+10. Everyone in Howard raised their hands. Then Ms. Shaw asked what 4,122+ 3,974 is and everyone put their hands down. 

Why do you think they raised their hands the first time but not the second time?

They raised their hands the first time because they knew the answer to 4+10, but they didn't raise their hands the second time because they didn't know the answer the second time because the numbers were too big.


What happened and how do you know?

The team won the game. They are all jumping around, smiling, celebrating. 


How do you think the boy is feeling and why?

Nervous: he's getting a haircut close to his ear


Ezekiel and Melvin were racing and it was really close but Melvin fell right before he finish line. What can you infer about Melvin?

He is going to lose the race because he fell and Ezekiel didn't so he kept running to win 


Joseph's mom told him he's moving to PR and starting a new school. How do you think he's feeling and why?

Nervous/scared/excited/glad to be somewhere new

Results will vary but need evidence.


Ms. Jackson's birthday is January 30th. 

Why can't she go to the beach and go swimming on her birthday?

January is winter where Ms. Jackson lives and it is too cold in the winter to go swimming in the beach water


What is happening here and how do you know?

A family member is returning from the Army and crying because she's so happy to see her other family member.


How do you think the boy is feeling and why?

Upset: He probably doesn't like vegetables and his grown up probably told him he has to eat them


Ms. Shaw's stomach keeps making really Lous noises, what can you infer that she might do next?

Use the bathroom or eat some food


Ms. Yuen, Melvin, and Joseph raced in the gym. When they were done, only Ms. Yuen was happy. Why do you think that is?

Ms. Yuen won and they both lost


On Monday 14 kids in Westfield got school lunches.

On Friday, 22 kids in Westfield got school lunches.

Why do you think the numbers changed of kids getting lunches?

Many answers


-Didn't like Monday's lunch

-Forgot to pack a lunch Monday

-Pizza Friday is popular


What is happening here and how do you know?

The baby and waiting for Santa.


the cookies on the plate and note "for Santa"


How is the girl in the blue feeling and why do you think that? 

She's feeling scared because there's a pigeon inside her car. He legs are up and away from where they'd normally be and her face is all twisted up.


Ms. Glasser got ready for her softball game but then looked outside her window at the sky and got really sad. 

Why do you think she got really sad?

The weather was bad and you cannot play softball in the rain


What happened here and why?

He got sunburnt because he didn't have on enough sunblock


Ms. Jackson is 5'6" and Mr. Brown is 6'6". 

Why do you think more people want Mr. Brown on their basketball team than Ms. Jackson? 

Mr. Brown is taller so it is easier for him to play basketball. He can get more rebounds and he's harder to guard on defense. 


What 3 things can you infer from this photo?

This person was in the sun.

This person was wearing flip flops. 

This person hurt their toe. 


How are they feeling? Why do you think that?

Frustrated. Their hands are in their hair and crumpled up paper and staring into space thinking. 


Ms. Jackson had a really big test and instead of studying, she went to play basketball then bowling with her team. 

What can you infer about Ms. Jackson's test score tomorrow?

It will probably be low since she didn't study.


Do you think this picture is recent? Why or why not?

Yes, he's wearing a mask and most people started wearing masks because of the pandemic. 

Might be working virtually