Fruity Inferences
Holiday Inferences
Cooking up Inferences
Adventure Inferences
Hobby Inferences
Jessie's favorite fruit is white on the inside and yellow on the outside. Sometimes he eats them plain and sometimes he slices them up and puts them on cereal.
What is a banana

This holiday is associated with love. People often give each other cards and chocolates to show their affection. It is common to wear red and pink on this holiday.

What is Valentine's Day

Cara loves to bake. This afternoon she mixed flour, eggs, water, and yeast together and baked it. When it was done, she cut it into slices. She planned to use it this week to make sandwiches. What did Cara bake?
What is a loaf of bread
Donna and Emily threw on their backpacks as they took their walking sticks out of the back of the truck. After putting on hats and sunscreen, they stared up the rocky hill. What are Donna and Emily doing?
Holly's hobby can be dirty sometimes. She often gets mud on her clothes, but she still enjoys getting outside in the sun. She loves working with her hands and making her yard more beautiful.
What is gardening
Margot's favorite fruit is small and red with many small seeds. She grows them in her garden. They are very sweet!
What is a strawberry
People put gifts under a tree during this holiday. It is also common to sing carols, bake cookies, and hang stockings above the fireplace during this holiday.
What is Christmas
Ryan lifted a heavy pan out of the oven and checked the temperature. It was perfect! When his family arrived, Ryan carved the bird and served it with gravy and cranberry sauce. What did Ryan cook for his family?

Mike and Josh made sure their life vest were fastened securely. Mike slipped his phone into a waterproof case. Josh handed Mike an oar and they were off on their adventure! What were Mike and Josh doing?

Going Kayaking

Jason's hobby allows him to spend a lot of time on his boat. He spends hours each weekend on his boat and sometimes he ends up bringing home a fresh caught dinner at the end of the day. What is Jason's hobby?
Caleb's favorite fruit has a red or green peel. He likes to eat them raw, but his favorite thing to do is bake them into pies.
What is an apple
A large feast is the focus of this holiday. People usually cook turkey and pumpkin pie. It is a time for being grateful for the things you have.
What is Thanksgiving
Bethany prepared a snack for her friends on a hot summer day. It was easy! All she needed was some juice and a mold. Her friends were happy to have a cold treat on a hot day. What did Bethany make for her friends?
Kristi and Abby put on their sweatbands. They were wearing loose cotton shirts and stretchy athletic pants. They tied their shoes and walked through the door. What were Kristi and Abby doing?
Working out
Rachel picked up her hobby after her daughter was born. Now, relatives and friends always admire her daughter's unique and colorful dresses. Rachel loves creating pretty things for her daughter to wear. What is Rachel's hobby?
Meredith's favorite fruit is round with an orange peel. She likes to squeeze them to make juice.
What is an orange
Children enjoy hunting for brightly painted eggs during this holiday. Sometimes the eggs are filled with chocolates or jelly beans. This is a springtime holiday.
What is Easter
Rosa invited her family over for dinner. She filled the crispy shells with spicy beef, lettuce, and shredded cheese. It was a messy and delicious dinner. What did Rosa make?

Mark and Doug were dressed in bathing suits. They stood in front a big pool and jumped in with a splash. 



Noa loves to gather his brushes, paint, and easel. He finds a quiet spot with a nice view. After finishing, he lets his work dry and hangs it on the wall. 

What is painting?

Josh's favorite fruit is a tropical fruit with a tough peel with large spiked leaves. When he cuts into it, the fruit is juicy, sweet, and yellow.
What is a pineapple.
Children enjoy wearing costumes and going trick or treating. This is a fall holiday where candy is given to children.
What is Halloween.
Mike likes to eat lots of vegetables. He always tries to make healthy choices. For lunch he tossed the lettuce, carrots, radishes, and tomatoes together. What did Mike make for lunch?
Sarah and Jennifer dressed in their snowsuits. They drove to a mountain and put on skis and grabbed two poles. Sarah and Jennifer rode to the top of the mountain and raced to the bottom. What were they doing?
Greg's hobby involves wearing a uniform and playing on a team. He wears cleats, a helmet and a glove. There are nine players on his team. What is Greg's hobby?