
I placed the paper bib on the woman in the chair and shined a light down so I could see. With my glove covered hand, I picked up a small metal tool.

What is a dentist?


I sat in my seat excitedly watching the man swing from pole to pole. Far under him 2 elephants carried ladies with feathers in their hair. I ate my popcorn as I watched 8 clowns pile out of a tiny car.

What is the circus?


Akia was riding home in the car with her mom after school. She could barely keep her eyes open. Her mom was talking to her about her day and asking her questions, but she hardly heard anything she said. Before she knew it, she opened her eyes and they were pulling up to her house.

What is sleepy/tired?


When I get to work I turn on my computer. When everyone arrives, we read together and answer questions. A bell signals when lunch begins.

What is a teacher?


Last Saturday night, my cousin and I roasted marshmallows at the bright fire and chased fireflies. We caught 10 fireflies and watched them glow in a jar. Afterwards, we set them free. Where am I?

What is camp?


Isaiah's grandmother could not believe her ears! When Miss Johnson told her how great Isaiah's day had been, she wanted to cry. She could only hope tomorrow would be just as great.

What is surprised/excited?


Today has been very busy. I have spent much of my day listening to people's complaints and trying to find solutions. My answers don't always make me very popular, but I hope I'm making a difference. It's why I went to the academy and why I spend hours in my car each day driving these same streets.

What is a police officer?


I tried to be patient for Terri to return, but my stomach was growling - loudly. I took a sip of water and hoped ours would be the next table she visited.

What is a restaurant?


After hearing that she'd made the team, Lisa smiled broadly. When her friend Sarah saw her, she asked, "are you wearing heels? You seem taller." Lisa told Sarah no, but she knew the truth. For the first time, Lisa wasn't slouching to hide her full height.

What is proud?


I put on my white shirt and begin chopping carrots. Behind me is a pot of boiling broth. I choose some nice herbs and chop them to place into the soup. When it is done, I it into a bowl to be served.

What is a chef?


We ran from hay bale to hay bale trying not to step on any cow pies. Uncle Joe picked us up with his tractor and asked us to help him tend to the garden.  

What is a farm?


Jaclyn was so excited about playing Fern in Charlotte's Web! However, when she woke up the morning of the show, she felt weak and her nose was runny. Her forehead felt warm and despite 8 hours of sleep, she was still exhausted. Oh no! she thought.

What is disappointed because she's sick?


Before the show I practice my lines. I fix my hair and makeup, then nervously await my cue.

What is an actor?


Kara joins the crowd in its familiar chants and songs, and she spends much of the night on her feet. When it's time to head home, she is hoarse from yelling and her hands are sore from clapping. Where is she?

What a sporting event/game?


India rolled her eyes as Kaleb let out that funny sneeze he always did. Then, when he started dancing, she felt like she was going to be sick. To make things even worse, he was sitting next to her making those funny noises. "Ugh, she thought to herself, "I have to get away from him!" Kaleb, however, thought it was hilarious! (How was India feeling?)

What is annoyed/irritated?