Making inferences with picture
Inferences with words
Inferences about people

What can you infer happened to him?

He slipped on ice 


A guy comes into the bar hes slurring his speech and can not walk straight what can you infer about this guy.

He is drunk 


A person has a police vest on and is standing by a car. Can you infer his job.

He is a cop 


What can you infer happened to the car 

the car drove off the mountain


A person who normally talks to you passes you with out saying anything and gives you a bad look.

He has a problem with you/ He is in a bad mood


A person has a camo clothes on a rifle in his left hand and a dear in his left. What can you infer he just did.

He was hunting


What is happening in this picture

They are trying to pull the boat off the land

You come home and you hear some glass break what is happening. 

someone is in the house/ someone is robbing you 


Outside a bank is five cop cars, Why are all the cops there?

The bank is getting robbed


What is the guy doing in this picture

He is cheating on his test


You are your way to work and you see a bunch of debris from cars and some firetrucks what happened here?

There was a car crash 


A doctor looks sad and is crying. What happened to the doctor?

He lost a patient