The Canadian province of Quebec was originally settled by French fur traders. Eventually, cities grew to support the fur trade. As a result, other industries (such as logging) became the main source of income for residents.

Based on this passage, you can infer that some residents of Quebec may speak which language?



Carrots are an excellent source of retinol. Retinol is a pure form of vitamin A and is essential for good vision and strong teeth. It is often found in foods such as eggs, liver, and fish. For vegetarians, the best source of retinol is carrots.

Based on this passage, what can you infer about the amount of retinol in eggs, liver, and fish?

It is the same or greater than the amount in carrots.


Tim and Liam both glanced around the room nervously as the teacher handed back the graded tests. The teacher handed Liam his test and smiled. The teacher handed Tim his test and asked, “What happened?”

The reader can reasonably infer...

Tim did not do well on the test.


Trudy looked down; the sound of everyone’s laughter burned in her ears. She felt her face grow warm and knew she was turning red. She wished she could just walk out of the classroom.

Based on this the reader can infer...

Trudy is embarrassed


Timmy flicked the light switch on and off, but nothing happened. He tried to turn on his TV, but it wouldn’t come on either. He began to worry because soon it would be dark and he was in the house alone.

Based on the passage the reader can infer...

The power has gone out


Martin’s little brother looked at the new bike a bit apprehensively. “Are you sure I won’t get hurt?” he asked Martin. Martin replied, “Oh, you might fall once or twice, but you’ll be okay. Just wear your helmet.” Martin’s little brother looked up at him, “And you will hold onto it so it doesn’t fall over?” Martin nodded.

From this excerpt, what can the reader infer?

Martin’s little brother is learning to ride a bicycle.


When Sue walked into the house, all of her friends jumped out and yelled “Surprise!” She saw a stack of brightly wrapped gifts on the table, along with a cake with ten candles on it. Colorful balloons were tied to all of the chairs.

Based on this description, which of the following is a reasonable inference?

It is Sue’s birthday.


Charles let his dog, Roscoe, into the house. Roscoe ran over to his food bowl and wildly began to wag his tail.

The reader can reasonably infer:

Roscoe is hungry


The teacher told the children to clear everything but a pencil from their desks. She then began handing out tests. Thomas look startled. “Wait! Ms. Smith? The test is today? Are you sure? I thought it was tomorrow!”

Which of the following statements can the reader infer?

Thomas did not study for this test.


Carly and her mom watched the large van truck drive away slowly. Then, they walked through the empty rooms of the house one last time before getting into the car and leaving.

The reader can reasonably infer...

Carly and her mom are moving


Max stepped up to the plate. He held the bat up and stared intently at the pitcher as he watched several balls fly by. Then, he walked back to the dugout and sat down.

What can you infer from this passage?

Max struck out.


Every morning, Mr. Anthony gets up early and puts on his uniform.He makes sure his badge is on straight and takes his gun from a locked box in his desk. He walks out to his driveway where his car, with the large lights on its roof, is waiting. He gets into his car and drives to the station. From this passage you can infer that Mr. Anthony is:

a police officer


Over a loudspeaker, a voice announces that Flight 240 for Los Angeles is now boarding. You see dozens of people pulling wheeled suitcases up and down a wide hallway. At one end of the hall is an area with several uniformed men and women talking to each person who passes through a gate. You can infer that you are in:

an airport


Margie climbed the two steps and walked out onto the narrow board. She looked down into the pool. It seemed so far away now that she was on the board. She saw her parents and brother watching her. “I have to go through with it,” she thought. She gently bounced on her feet a couple of times and put her hands over her head.

Make an inference about what will most likely happen next

Margie will dive into the pool.


A shrill bell echoes in the empty hallway and suddenly, the halls are filled with chattering children—all rushing in one direction or another. An adult steps out of a room along the hall and warns the children, “No running. You have plenty of time.” After a few minutes, all of the children run into doorways along the hallway. Almost immediately, the hall is quiet again. From this description, you can infer that:

You are in a school.


Lenora wakes up early. She has to be on the set by 6:00 AM. She doesn’t bother to do her hair or put on makeup. The makeup artist and hair dresser at work will take care of that for her. She dresses in comfortable clothes and sneakers.She’ll change into her costume before filming begins. Based on this description,you can infer that Lenora is:

an actress


Kevin ran to the mailbox. With his back turned to the house, he opened the envelope containing his report card. After a quick, confirming glance, he crumpled the report card and stuffed it into his pocket. He went into the house, put the rest of the mail on the kitchen table, and ran up to his room. From this passage you can infer that:

Kevin did not have good grades on his report card.


Melissa watched Jason walk down the ramp to the airplane. She waved slowly and began to cry. She had lived next to Jason her entire life and didn’t know what she would do without him. From this passage you can infer:

Jason is moving away.


Karen woke up to bright sunlight streaming in the window. She heard traffic outside and the sound of kids yelling to each other as they walked in front of the house. She rolled over and looked at her clock. “Oh no!” she exclaimed. “It’s 9:00 AM!” She leapt out of bed in a panic. From this passage, you can infer:

Karen overslept.


Kimmy and Evan sat at the front window wearing their bathing suits and holding pails and shovels. They watched the rain pour from the sky. Kimmy began to cry. “It’s okay, Kimmy,” said Mom. “We’ll go tomorrow.” From this passage what can you infer?

Kimmy and Evan expected to go to the beach today.


Mrs. Jones was just sitting down to have a cup of tea when she heard the crashing sound of shattering glass. She walked into her living room and found a baseball sitting in the middle of the room. She looked through the shattered window and saw Brendan, the boy next door, standing in her yard. Brendan began to cry. From this excerpt, you can infer:

Brendan accidentally threw the ball through the window.


It was a special day in Ms. Bonner’s first-grade class. Each child put a decorated shoe box on the edge of his or her desk. Then, all of the students got up and dropped small cards into each others’ boxes. Afterwards, Ms. Bonner handed out heart-shaped candies. From this passage you can infer that:

Today is Valentine’s Day


Mr. Armstrong woke to the insistent knocking of the secret service agent stationed outside his door. “Sir? Sir?” the agent called. “Sir? We have an emergency. You’re needed in the Oval Office immediately.” Mr. Armstrong jumped to his feet and put on a suit. Living in the White House had many advantages, but he was always on call and it was time to get to work. Based on this passage you can infer that Mr. Armstrong is:

The President


Ben put a big spoonful of chili into his mouth. His mom reached out to stop him, but it was too late. Ben let out a scream, spit out the chili, and reached for a glass of water. From this passage, you can infer that:

The chilli was very hot


When the lights dimmed, Hank could still hear what had to be at least a hundred people munching on popcorn. He knew the sound in the room would soon be loud enough to drown it out, so he wasn’t concerned. As the trailers for the coming attractions played, he made a mental note of what he’d like to see next and waited anxiously for the main feature to start. Based on this passage you can infer that Hank:

is at the movies