In Context
Same Name
Point and Counterpoint
Deductive Reasoning
Challenge Words

Christmas is a time when Dad reverts to his childhood. I really think he looks forward to Santa's visit more than any other member of the family. Mom says he'll always be a child during this season. 

In this context the word reverts means this:

A) To return to a previous state 

B) To make progress

C) To develop 

D) To encourage 

What is A) To return to a previous state.


The group of hikers were enjoying themselves for most of their journey, that is until they encountered a large black bear. 

A synonym of the word encounter in this passage is:

A) meet

B) disperse

C) confront

D) discuss

What is A) meet?


Mr. Grey was incredibly proud of his auto dealership. On his commercial he proudly proclaimed, "We have such an extensive selection of cars; there is a vehicle here for everyone!" 

An antonym of the word extensive is:

A) expensive

B) wide

C) expansive

D) limited

What is D) limited?


Some people are sure that the new healthcare law will mean better care for everyone. Others argue that the law will mean less care and longer waits for those seeking help. It's a controversy that will not go away anytime soon.

In this passage, controversy most likely means:

A) Consensus

B) Acceptance

C) Debate

D) Exchange

What is C) debate?


Most of the Founding Fathers did not believe in women's suffrage. Only men were allowed to vote until 1920.

As used in this passage, this is the best definition of the word suffrage:

A) physical pain

B) original 

C) early flag

D) right to vote

What is D) right to vote?


Removing seeds from cotton plants was a slow job until Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin. 

This is the most likely definition of a cotton gin:

A) a drink

B) a book

C) a machine

D) a cloth

What is C) a machine. 


Wherever he goes, the esteemed Dr. Sanchez is applauded for his life saving research.

This word is an appropriate synonym of esteemed

A) Lively

B) Elderly

C) Irritated

D) Admirable

What is D) Admirable?


Brea and Elizabeth are having a dispute over which radio station they should play at work. It would be so much easier if they both enjoyed the same kind of music.

An antonym of the word dispute:

A) Disagreement

B) Discovery

C) Agreement

D) Immense

What is C) Agreement?


In the early 1600s, a dangerous trip across the Atlantic Ocean was a daunting idea. The Europeans, who would someday be known as Pilgrims, must have been a very determined and brave group of settlers. 

A daunting task is one that would _______ someone.

A) confuse

B) amuse

C) anger

D) intimidate

What is D) intimidate?


It is lamentable that you and Derek separated, but it has been almost a full year. Maybe it is time to begin to move on.

Lamentable means: 

A) rewarding

B) unfortunate

C) realistic

D) gratifying

What is B) unfortunate?


The original Pilgrims referred to themselves as the "Saints" and called the others who joined them for the voyage "Strangers."

In this context, original means:

A) One of a kind

B) First

C) Holy

D) Intimidating

What is B) First.


Poor farmer Chavez labors sixteen hours a day and never has time for a vacation. He deserves better! Everyone should have at least one day a week for rest and relaxation.

An appropriate synonym for the word labors:

A) relaxes

B) suffers

C) works

D) unions

What is C) works?


When they heard the good news about the court's decision, the angry crowd cheered and then began to disperse. "It looks like everyone is heading home," one person reported.

The best antonym for disperse in this passage is:

A) Dissolve

B) Gather

C) Relent

D) Negate

What is B) Gather?


Your cousin claimed to be late because the doors of his house were frozen shut. Even though I have my doubts, his explanation is plausible. It got really cold last night. 

In this passage plausible likely means this:

A) unbelievable

B) reasonable

C) confusing

D) frustrating

What is B) reasonable?


Brian attempted to see who was riding inside of the limousine, but the opaque window tinting prevented him from getting a glimpse.

The best definition for opaque as used in this passage:

A) bright

B) dirty

C) clear

D) obscure

What is D) obscure?


The Saints and Strangers argued about how they would live in the New World. After much discussion, they came together and signed the May Flower Compact

The meaning of Compact in this passage is:

A) a make-up container

B) a religious item

C) a new type of technology

D) an agreement

What is D) an agreement.


The scientist wants the professor to review her theory because the professor is the foremost expert in the field. 

The best synonym of the word foremost in this context:

A) main 

B) secondary

C) uniformed

D) reduced

What is A) main?


The alarm system will wake up the entire neighborhood if it is set off by an intruder. 

An antonym for an intruder is:

A) spy

B) neighbor

C) resident

D) Investigator

What is C) resident?


Put this medicine on your arm and rub it into your skin until it is invisible. It will inhibit the infection's attempt to spread.

The most likely definition of inhibit:

A) habitat

B) block or slow

C) itch or burn

D) change

What is B) block or slow?


"Mrs. Allen, you forgot to assign today's homework!" James reminded his teacher, expressing the obsequies nature that made him unpopular.

The best definition of obsequies as used in the passage:

A) dutiful

B) arrogant

C) lavish

D) humorous

What is A) dutiful?


As the summer sun sent scattered rays through the maple and oak leaves overhead, the young deer stood frozen, making it almost impossible for the hikers to see her.

In this passage, the word frozen means:

A) frigid

B) visible

C) unmoving

D) remove

What is C) unmoving?


The news story was based on a letter that was a fabrication. Now the reporter who wrote the story has lost all credibility.

This is a synonym of the word fabrication:

A) cloth

B) illegible

C) inappropriate

D) false

What is D) false?


The United States has a vast amount of newly discovered clean geothermal energy, or natural heat from the Earth's crust. Tapping into this energy source could provide at least ten times the energy that can be obtained from the nation's known coal reserves. 

Using this passage as a clue, an antonym for the word vast is: 

A) diminutive

B) significant

C) dangerous

D) irrelevant

What is A) diminutive?


Fortunately, the young man's dizzy spell was transient. He was able to continue playing after a brief rest with no trouble; he even went on to win the match!

Using clues from this passage, transient most likely means:

A) temporary

B) permanent

C) enduring

D) imaginary

What is A) temporary?


Due to her parsimonious nature, Arieal enjoys borrowing movies from the library and copying them, buying day old bread from the bakery, and recording music off the radio even though she has plenty oy money to afford these things.

A possible definition of the word parsimonious:

A) extravagant

B) miserly

C) generous

D) friendly

What is B) miserly?