Scenario 2
Mom gave me a stern look and was glaring at me.
What is angry?
The gym was crowded and the crowd was on their feet watching the players. There was 1.4 seconds left on the clock.
What is basketball game?
My neighbor has a pet in their backyard that always barks and wants me to pet him. What kind of animal is he?
What is dog?
It’s so dark in here. I pull the blanket to my face. I’m so nervous. If I could only have my light on, I’d feel so much better. What can you infer that the person is doing?
He is in his bed at nighttime & is scared.
The sun was very hot. Katie cried as ice cream dripped down her arm. She had spent her own quarter for that ice cream cone. What can you infer about how Katie was feeling?
Katie was upset because her ice cream was melting before she could eat it all.
Jan heard a noise in her closet and ran to her parents room crying.
What is scared?
Students were learning from their teacher and asking questions.
What is a classroom?
T.J. went to look in the cage. There was his new pet, Hopper. The carrot T.J. had put in the cage was gone! “I guess hopper was hungry,” he said! What type of animal is Hopper?
What is a bunny?
I hear screaming. My stomach feels funny. Can you see my hair blowing? I’m feeling excited. There is a thick metal bar across my lap. What can you infer the person is doing from this from this?
He is riding a roller coaster and having fun.
The boys poked holes in the lids of the jars. They went outside to look around the yard. “There’s one!” said Bobby. “Now let’s find one for you!” What can you infer the boys were doing?
Catching lightning bugs/fireflies.
The little girl was crying because her mom would not let her get ice cream.
What is sad?
There were many families having picnics and people playing with their dogs. The sun was shining and kids were playing on the playground.
What is a park?
White with black spots. Says "Moo." Eats grass. Lives in a barn.
What is a cow?
Ray always carried his flute with him. He shined it every night and was very careful with it. He didn’t want anything to happen to it. What can you infer about the way Ray feels about his flute?
Ray loves his flute and takes very good care of it.
The boys and girls were very sad. Frosty was gone and just a pool of water was left under his hat! Frosty had told them he would be back next year, but they still missed him very much. What can you infer that Frosty was?
What is a snowman?
Matt was jumping up and down because he finally got a new wii game.
What is excited?
I feel comfy when I am here. I can watch my favorite TV shows, play outside, and play with my animals.
What is home?
I come out at night. I eat insects by using my sonar and night vision. I am small and black.
What is bat?
The little girl went into the house. No one was home. She sat in the chairs, she ate the porridge, and she fell asleep! When the bears came home, the little bear started to cry! What can you infer about the bear by his emotions?
He is sad that the little girl ate his porridge.
The bunny hopped up to the door of the little house. He rang the doorbell. All the other animals were inside. When the turtle opened the door, all of the bunny’s friends yelled, “Surprise!” What can you infer about why the animals yelled "Surprise!"
They were throwing bunny a surprise party.