Context Clues with Dr. Seuss
Setting (When or Where)
Character's Feelings or Traits
Job Riddles
In The Lorax, Dr. Seuss wrote "And my poor Bar-ba-loots are all getting the crummies because they have gas, and no food, in their tummies." Crummies means...
What is sick.
teacher, students, books
What is school.
Grace's eyes were heavy. She was up all night reading her favorite books. She lay her head on her desk. Grace is feeling...
What is sleepy.
I drive a truck and use a hose to put out fires. I am a ____.
What is fire fighter.
The Lost Cat by Shel Silvestein We can't find the cat, We don't know where she's at. Oh, where did she go? Does anyone know? Let's ask this walking hat. I infer that the cat is _____.
What is under the hat.
In Horton Hatches the Egg, Horton the elephant said "ME on your egg? Why, that doesn't make sense... Your egg is so small, ma'am, and I'm so immense!" Immense means...
What is big.
bathing suits, towels, lifeguard
What is the pool.
Nigel's mother told him he was going to get a new pet snake. Nigel jumped up and down. He smiled and clapped his hands. Nigel is feeling...
What is happy or excited.
You come see me when you don't feel well. I have a stethoscope to listen to your heart and sometimes I might give you a shot.
What is doctor or a nurse.
Something Big Has Been Here by Jack Prelutsky Something big has been here, What it was, I do not know, for I did not see it coming, and I did not see it go, but I hope I never meet it, if I do, I'm in a fix for it left behind its footprints, they are size nine-fifty-six. I infer that ______ could have been here.
What is a dinosaur (or any large animal).
The Lorax said that the Humming-Fish had to leave their pond because of the pollution and walk on their fins to find clean water. He said their future was "dreary." Dreary means...
What is sad.
breakfast, get dressed, brush my teeth
What is morning.
T.J. had to sing in front of the whole school. He wasn't scared, but his hands were sweaty and his heart was beating very fast. T.J. was feeling...
What is nervous.
I am creative. I am a thinker. I write words for others to read. These words are put into a book.
What is an author.
The New Kid on the Block by Jack Prelutsky There's a new kid on the block, and boy, that kid is tough, that new kid punches hard, that new kid plays real rough that new kid's big and strong. with muscles everywhere, that new kid tweaked my arm, that new kid pulled my hair. I infer that the new kid is __________.
What is mean.
In Hooray For Diffendoofer Day, Dr. Seuss writes "It's miserable in Flobbertown, They dress in just one style. They sing one song, they never dance, they march in single file. They do not have a playground, and they do not have a park. Their lunches have no taste at all, Their dogs are scared to park." Miserable means...
What is awful, horrible, or unhappy.
popcorn, tickets, dark room
What is a movie theater.
Joshua did not like to be bored. He liked to bungee jump and do flips out of airplanes. Some of Joshua's friends describe him as _______.
What is daring, crazy, or wild.
I help people that are in trouble. I drive a car with flashing lights. I wear a badge and a uniform.
What is a police officer.
Snowball by Shel Silverstein I made myself a snowball As perfect as can be. I thought I'd keep it as a pet And let it sleep with me. I made it some pajamas And a pillow for its head. Then last night it ran away, But first- it wet the bed. I infer that the snowball actually ______.
What is melted.
In How the Grinch Stole Christmas, the Grinch said that reindeer were scarce and so he would have to make one using his dog by tying a big horn on the top of his head. Scarce means...
What is hard to find.
sled, snow, warm coat
What is winter.
Zarriah is very quiet in class. She is a good listener and likes to help her friends, but gets embarrassed easily. Her face turns red when she is called on in class and often looks at the floor. Zarriah can be described as ______.
What is shy.
I write music and I play an instrument. I sing and dance. I am famous. I wrote the song "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together."
What is Taylor Swift.
Companion By Clive Webster I have an allosaurus And I take him everywhere, And I really can't understand Why people stop and stare. He's loving, kind, and gentle, He wouldn't hurt a soul, Unless of course you laughed at him- And then he'd eat you whole! I infer that an allosaurus is a ______.
What is dinosaur.