Anthony needed to do some research. He looked at all the books around him and picked one about Rosa Parks. A lady scanned the book for him and told him when it was due. Who is the lady?
The Librarian
It's dark outside. Jack and his mom have to use a flashlight to see the path. What might Jack be able to see if he looked at the sky: A Bird, The Sun, Stars?
Marcus had a snow day from school. Mom helped him put on her jacket, boots, and hat. When did this happen: Spring, Winter, Summer?
Joshua is in a big room with a lot of chairs, a really, really big TV screen, and he's eating popcorn. Where is he?
The Movie Theater
Mary checked today's weather forecast. She walked to the hall closet, grabbed her umbrella and left for school. Why did Mary grab an umbrella?
It was going to rain.
Jared sat in the chair with him mom next to him. He was coughing and sneezing so a man took his temperature. The man wrote him a prescription and told him to stay home from school. Who is the man?
The Doctor
Beth has invited her best friends to come over today. They will have pizza, a pretty cake, a pinata and gifts for Beth. What is Beth celebrating: Easter, Her Birthday, Christmas?
Her Birthday
The lights go out in the house. Crystal opens the window, but no light comes in. She ends up having to use a flashlight to see. When did the lights go out: Morning, Afternoon, Night?
You're sitting down at a table and someone asks you what you want to eat. They disappear for a while and come back with your food. Where are you?
A Restaurant
The bees fly from flower to flower. The meadow is filled with buzzing. Why is the meadow filled with buzzing: It's calling the birds home, It is full of bees, The sun is up?
It is full of bees.
Taylor's total came up to $145.75. She handed her money to a lady with a name badge on. Who did Taylor hand the money to?
The Cashier
I'm pink and fat with pointy ears and a curly tail. I eat slop. What am I?
A Pig
I've been saving my money because my favorite store will have a sale later this week. Today is Tuesday. I have three more days to wait. When is the sale?
Jessica was in the bleachers. The people playing the game had on helmets. The crowed was yelling, "DEFENSE!" Where is she?
A Football Game
Tyler is trying to put air in his bike tire, but the tire is not filling up. Why: His bike is broken, His tire has a hole in it, It's hot outside?
His tire has a hole in it.
If you're driving too fast, you can get a ticket. If you run a red light, you can get a ticket. If you don't have on your seat belt, you can get a ticket. Who is going to write you the ticket?
A Police Officer
I'm an animal with spots. I only eat plants. What am I: A Zebra, A Cheetah, A Giraffe?
A Giraffe
The sky was changing from deep blue to yellow. Down the street a rooster crowed. Brandon yawned, got up, and got dressed for school. When did this take place: Morning, Afternoon, Night?
Farrah goes here every Sunday. She brings a Bible with her. Where does Farrah go?
Rachael went to the carnival. She played a lot of games and end up taking home a big stuffed animal. Why did she have a stuffed animal: She found it on a ride, They were giving them away for free, She won it from playing a game?
She won it from playing a game.
I live under the sea. I'm yellow. I have a pink best friend. My neighbor plays the clarinet. I like to catch jellyfish. Who am I?
Jasmine was at school all day and her mom was at work. When they got home, the clock on the microwave was blinking. What happened: The clock broke, The lights went out, Someone broke into the house?
The lights went out.
Pablo was wearing a sweater with a reindeer on it. The fireplace was lit and a tree was in the corner. He was waiting on his family to get there. When was this: Valentine's Day, Christmas, Memorial Day?
Tammy had on sunscreen and a hat. Even though she had on flip flops, sand was getting stuck between her toes. In order to wash it off, she stepped into the water. Where is she?
At the Beach
Erica woke up and went to work. We she got there, the doors were locked and no one was there. Why was no one at work: It was a holiday, They ran away to join the circus, The door was locked?
It was a holiday.