The state seized their land and imprisoned them when they couldn’t pay debts.
Why did farmers revolt in Shays' Rebellion?
A weak federal government.
What type of government did the Articles of Confederation create?
The Articles of Confederation were proving to be ineffective.
What were the reasons for the Constitutional Convention?
Renoak Island
What was the settlement where the people went missing never to be heard from again ?
Britain stopped buying American goods, and the economy was weak.
Why did farmers struggle to sell crops after the Revolutionary War?
Congress could not raise money through taxes.
What was one weakness of the Articles of Confederation ?
Philadelphia (GO BIRDS!)
Where did the Constitutional Convention take place?
The Declaration of Independence.
What was formal document where America declared independence ?
They started demanding their freedom.
9 out of 13 states had to approve any new law.
What made passing laws difficult under the Laws of Confederation ?
Shay's Rebellion worried prompted him to attend.
What was one reason George Washington attended the Constitutional Convention ?
Battle of Yorktown.
What was the decisive battle in the Revolutionary War where Britain surrender?
They formed their own churches, schools, and aid groups.
What were some ways African Americans fought discrimination in the North ?
It organized land into sections and allowed settlers to buy land.
What was one feature of the Ordinance of 1785?
Some framers wanted a Bill of Rights included in the Constitution.
It showed the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation, even prompting Washington to attend the National Convention.
What were some of the results of Shay's Rebellion ?
They feared a strong central government would be like British rule.
Why did the founding fathers create a weak central government ?
It executive and legislative branches.
What two new branches did the U.S Constitution create that the Articles of Confederation lacked?
Paul Revere