Making Predictions
Finding the Main Idea
Making Inferences
Summarizing the Text
Just for Review

Mr. Jones finished his breakfast and said goodbye to his family. He grabbed his briefcase and headed out the door.

What most likely to happen next?

A. Mr. Jones will make pancakes.

B. Mr. Jones is going to work.

C. Mr. Jones is coming home from work.

B. Mr. Jones is going to work.


After the hurricane, there was no water and not much food on the island. It is still very bad. Many people no longer have homes and live in schools. Others are in hospitals. We need help from other countries.

A. The writer wants to help for his family

B. The writer wants to help for his country.

C. The writer wants some food for his country.

C. The writer wants some food for his country.


Mr. Nelson, the mailman, walked across a beautiful yard to bring the mail to the Bell's home. Suddenly, the sprinklers went on and Mr. Nelson was all wet. Very angry, Mr. Nelson went to the front of the house and pounded on the door. No one answered. 

How did Mr. Nelson get so wet? 

1. An automatic timer had been set to start the sprinklers. 2. It started to rain. 3. The kids in the house put the sprinklers on. 4. He fell in a puddle.

1. An automatic timer had been set to start the sprinklers.


Read the following passage and then answer the question. There are five teams of students in the fifth grade. The blue team has math first period, and the red team has science. The yellow team gets to go outside early in the morning, while the green team goes to music. Only students on the orange team get to play games first period. Each student wears a nametag with his or her color, so that the teachers and students all know where a student should be.

A. Students are organized by teams with color names.

B. The blue team has math first.

C. Students wear nametags.

A. Students are organized by teams with color names.


What text feature lets you know what the entire article is about?

A. Subheading

B. Heading

C. Title

B. Heading


Joey had been eating healthy all month. He had been eating more vegetables and less sweets. He took a long walk each day. He steps on the scale.

What happens next?

A. His scale will go up

B. The scale won't change

C. His scale will go down

C. His scale will go down


Jane liked the blue dress and wanted to buy it. “How much is it?” She asked. “Twenty ninety-five,” said the clerk. “Oh, I don’t have that much money,” said Jane. “You can charge it,” answered the clerk. What is the main idea of this passage?

A. The dress was twenty ninety-five.

B. Erika liked the dress and wanted to buy it.

C. Erika didn’t have the money.

B. Erika liked the dress and wanted to buy it.


It is 1885, and a gift from France has arrived. Atop a large base, a statue takes form. Copper-red in the sun, a woman's shape is visible. Tall and proud, she stands at a gateway. To those who are arriving, she gives a fond greeting. To those who are leaving, she gives a reminder of freedom for all. 

What is this? 1. Mt. Rushmore 2. Washington Monument 3. Statue of Liberty 4. Eiffel Tower

3. Statue of Liberty


Read the following passage and then answer the question.
As soon as she arrived at grandmother's house, Jessica ran into her bedroom to look at the blue quilt. It covered her grandmother's bed and was Jessica's favorite. It had patches of dark blue, medium blue, and light blue, with pictures of birds and flowers on every other patch. Jessica liked to take naps with the quilt wrapped around her. She loved the way it felt so soft and warm against her skin. Whenever she was visiting grandma, just looking at the quilt made Jessica happy.

A. Jessica's grandmother has a pretty blue quilt.

B. Jessica loved her grandmother's quilt.

C. Jessica took naps at her grandmother's house.

B. Jessica loved her grandmother's quilt.

What is the purpose of a graphic in informational text?

A. To give the reader something visual to look at

B. To help the reader understand further what the article is about

C. Breaks the text up into sections so it’s easier to read

B. To help the reader understand further what the article is about


The Smith family can hear the wind outside blowing the trees against the house. The rain is pouring down. They hear a crash of thunder and the light flicker...

What probably will happen next?

A. They will turn the TV up louder

B. The rain will stop

C. The power will go out

C. The power will go out


There are many fun things to do at the beach. Swimming is one thing that can be done at the beach. Snorkeling is another thing that can be enjoyed. Playing beach volleyball can be a lot of fun. It is also fun to look for shells. Some people simply like to sunbathe.

What is the main idea?

A. There are many fun things to do at the beach.

B. It is also fun to look for shells.

A. There are many fun things to do at the beach.


The girl had been working in the garden. She pulled weeds. She picked beans and tomatoes. Her clothes got dirty. After she took the vegetables to the kitchen, she went to clean up. When the dinner bell rang, she appeared at the table in a fresh outfit. 

When did the girl change clothes?

 1. yesterday 2. during the meal 3. before coming to dinner 4. after dinner was over

3. before coming to dinner


Read the following passage and then answer the question.
Math didn't make much sense to Cathy. She always got area and perimeter mixed up and she had no idea what a right angle was. Last quarter she failed math, and this quarter wasn't any better. As long as she could remember, math had been hard for Cathy. She did fine in reading and science, but not math. Now she was working on her math homework, but she didn't know how to do most of it. Who invented math, anyway!

A. Who invented math?
B. Cathy did well in reading and science.
C. Cathy was not very good at math.

C. Cathy was not very good at math.

True/False: We should ALWAYS look at the text features.



Brandon ate cotton candy, and two funnel cakes, and drank a milk shake at the carnival. Then he went on a ride that spun round and round. His stomach begins to feel sick.

What likely happens next?

A. He rides the same ride again.

B. He throws up

C. He asks if the ride will go faster.

B. He throws up


Mrs. Gonzales likes to paint. She likes the pretty colors. She draws a picture first. Then she uses her paints. She gives her pictures to her son. What is the main idea?

A. Mrs. Gonzales does not paint well.

B. Painting is fun.

C. Mrs. Gonzales paints pictures.

C. Mrs. Gonzales paints pictures.


The bike skidded out of control. It slammed against the sidewalk. The rider hit the ground hard. His pant leg was ripped. His knee was scraped and bleeding. He began to sniffle. 

Why did the bike rider sniffle? 1. He had a bloody nose. 2. He had allergies. 3. He smelled something funny. 4. He was starting to cry.

4. He was starting to cry.


Read the following passage and then answer the question.
"Are you already done, son?" his father asked. "It seems like you just got in the water." Jacob was finished with his bath in less than two minutes. He got his body and hair wet, rubbed some grape flavored shampoo on his hair, washed his body with soap, and quickly rinsed it off. He liked to take fast baths so he would have more time to play. In fact, Jacob never took a long bath. To him, the faster the bath, the better.

A . Jacob is very clean.

B. Jacob uses grape-flavored shampoo.

C. Jacob likes to take fast baths.

C. Jacob likes to take fast baths.

How many states are there?

a. 49

b. 50

c. 52

B. 50


Avery's dog Harley always escaped if he had even the slightest opportunity. Avery's parents had warned him to keep Harley on a leash. "If he escapes once more, he will have to attend obedience school," Dad had cautioned. One afternoon Avery could not find Harley's leash. Rather than looking harder to find the leash, he took his pet on a walk anyway.

What prediction can you make based on this passage?

A. Avery will have to attend obedience school.

B. Harley will have to attend obedience school.

C. Jeb will behave perfectly on the walk.

B. Harley will have to attend obedience school.


When we think of seaweed, we usually picture brown or green plants a foot or so in length. Seaweeds are also of other colors. Some are red. Some kinds grow to lengths of a hundred feet! These form giant seaweed forests, where many kinds of fish take shelter. What is the main idea?

A. Why some seaweed grows so large

B. What seaweed is like

C. Why seaweed is red

B. What seaweed is like


Terry owned a miniature poodle that weighed all of six pounds. She loved to walk her dog. People laughed, though, when they heard what she called him. 

You can guess that Terry called her dog ___. 

1. Tiny

2. Peanut 

3. Big Dog

3. Big Dog


Read the following passage and then answer the question. Lisa knew all of the seven dwarfs except one. She remembered Grumpy, Sleepy and Bashful. And of course she couldn't forget Doc and Dopey. Dopey was her favorite. But there was one she just could not remember. Let's see. There's also Sneezy, and that's six. But she could not remember that last one. What was his name?

A. Dopey was Lisa's favorite dwarf.

B. Lisa could not remember the name of one of the dwarfs.

C. There were seven dwarfs in all.

B. Lisa could not remember the name of one of the dwarfs.

What is a synonym for yell?

a. speak

b. shout

c. talk

b. shout