Medication Forms
Powders etc
Pot Luck
Large Animal
Making up a script

 Solid oblong form of medication

What is capsule


Soft flavored treat for hiding pills in?

What are Pill pockets.


A common substance in flavored liquid medications that is toxic to animals?

What is Xylitol.


Brown sugary substance that can be used in small quantities to make powdered medications more palatable to horses?

What is Molasses.


The least number of people needed to safely fill prescriptions?

What is two.


The possible consequence of adding medication to a pet's food. 

What is food aversion


2 ways you might give powdered medication to a herd of cattle?

What is mixed in the food and in water.


The place on the meniscus that a staff member should use to measure liquids?

What is the bottom of the meniscus.


Way to keep topical medications such as ointments clean when applying to the skin of a horse.

What is wear gloves and avoid putting hands in the medication after they have touched the animal.


The statement required on all veterinary drug labels in Nova Scotia?

What is "Veterinary Use Only".  


The form of medications that are absorbed accross the skin?

What is transdermal


Disease in Honey Bees that is treated with powdered medication?

American Foul brood.


Action required to prevent contamination of prescriptions when counting pills?

What is wipe the tray clean between prescriptions.  


Way to prepare bottle stopper for drawing up of medications for injection with a syringe?

What is wipe with alcohol and allow to dry.


The average amount of information that a client retains after being given verbal instructions.  

What is 30%.


Two reasons pills might be coated?

What is to protect the medication from stomach acid, to slow release of the drug, to protect the stomach from the drug, to improve the flavor of the drug.  


Thing that you should never mix a powdered medication into?

What is the pet's regular diet.


The VAs last opportunity to check that they have dispensed the correct drug at the correct dosage?

What is when the bottle/packaging is returned to the pharmacy shelves.


Appropriate sized needle for drawing up medications to give by injection to cattle.

What is small. 


The number of checks required to safely fill prescriptions? 

What is Four.


Two reasons that a medication might be packaged in foil?

What is to protect it from moisture, air, light & contamination.


Correct response when a client asks if they can open their pets' capsules and mix the contents into food for easier administration.  

What is "I will have the vet contact you to advise".  


Correct response when a client asks for an easier medication to give their hyperthyroid cat

I will have the vet contact you to discuss it.


Device needed if a group of farm animals are to be medicated through their water?

What is a holding tank.


The regulatory body that creates the label requirements in Nova Scotia?

The Nova Scotia Veterinary Medical Association.