Answer: 1983
Question: When was the school established?
Answer: 501
Question: Which room is Dr. Rho's class?
Answer: Washington D.C.
Question: Capital city of United States?
Answer: The 13 original colonies
Question: What do the stripes on the U.S. flag represent?
Answer: Hebrews 6:19
Question: What is our theme verse this year?
Answer: San Diego, California (Correnado)
Question: Which city is Mr. McElrath from?
Answer: São Paulo, Brazil
Question: What is the largest city in South America?
Answer: Honey
Question: What is the only food that can never go bad?
Answer: 14
Question: How many teachers (not including staff) are in ICSU?
Answer: Vatican City
Question: What is the smallest country in the world?
Answer: July
Question: Which month of the year is National Ice Cream Month?
Answer: Liberty Christian School
Question: What was ICSU's name before it became the International Christian School Uijeongbu?
Answer: Under a month
Question: How long did it take for Dr. Rho and Ms. Rho to marry?
Answer: Japan
Question: Which country has the oldest hotel in the world?
Answer: Scotland
Question: The unicorn is the national animal of which country?
Answers: Excellence, truth, and diversity
Question: What are the 3 pillars of ICSU?
Answer: Vin Diesel
Question: What celebrity did Ms. Pujols meet?
Answer: 195 countries
Question: What's the total number of countries in the world?
Answer: 175 years
Question: How many years did Abraham live?