This federal agency manages worksite safety in the United States.
What is OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration)?
The minimum force requirement for rope access anchorages in Germany is this value.
What is 10 kN?
In Canada, this is the anchorage MBS for fall arrest system in kilonewtons
What is 22.2 kN?
The maximum allowable arrest force for fall protection in the United States under OSHA regulations is this many pounds.
What is 1,800 lbf (8 kN)?
This ANSI subcommittee develops standards for fall protection systems using harnesses and body belts.
What is .11?
This organization develops model regulations for workplace health and safety in Australia.
What is Safe Work Australia?
This North American jurisdiction mandates a minimum trigger height of 3 meters for fall protection in most provinces.
What is Canada?
This type of harness is mandatory for fall protection systems in Australia, as per MRFW requirements.
What is a full-body harness?
In the United States, OSHA specifies this maximum deceleration distance for a personal fall arrest system.
What is 3.5 feet (1.1 meters)?
This subcommittee is responsible for establishing guidelines for positioning and restraint lanyards.
What is .3?
This Canadian organization provides occupational health and safety guidance, often referenced by provincial legislation.
What is the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS)?
In Quebec Canada, this maximum allowable free fall distance is specified for fall protection systems.
What is 1.8 meters (6 feet)?
In Manitoba, Fall Protection (including Energy Absorbing Lanyards) is covered under what Part of the regulations?
What is part 14
In Germany, the maximum deceleration distance allowed for fall arrest lanyards is this many meters.
What is 1.75 meters?
This subcommittee outlines requirements for the testing and design of energy absorbers and energy-absorbing lanyards.
What is .13?
In Mexico, this governmental body oversees worksite safety standards and publishes NOM requirements.
What is the STPS (SecretarÃa del Trabajo y Previsión Social)?
The allowable free fall distance in Manitoba is this many meters.
What is 1.2 meters?
In Switzerland, anchorages must be inspected this often by a qualified person.
What is before use and at least once a year?
In Switzerland, the specified maximum deceleration distance for fall protection is this many meters.
What is the familiar 1.75 meters?
This subcommittee provides guidelines for managed fall protection programs.
What is .2?
This Swiss organization is responsible for occupational safety and health regulations.
What is SUVA (Swiss National Accident Insurance Institution)?
The maximum arrest force for rope access systems in Mexico is defined by this standard.
What is NOM-009-STPS?
According to Australian MRFW requirements, connectors used in rope access must have a minimum tensile strength of this many kilonewtons.
What is 20 kN?
This regulatory framework oversees fall protection in Mexico.
What is NOM-009-STPS?
This subcommittee establishes criteria for anchorage connectors used in fall protection.
What is .18?