All About FRMS
You Ain't Cool Unless You're In School
Know How to Get Good Grades
Good Decisons and Choices
Planning Your Future

This is the time the second bell rings indicating when students must be seated in homeroom.

What is 8:05 AM?


This is the biggest reason for school success.

What is school attendance?


This tool is where you record daily assignments as well as test and project due dates.

What is the Planner?


This is a list you can make to compare your choices when trying to make a difficult decision.

What are Pros and Cons (or Positives and Negatives)?


When considering future career options, it is important to think about these four things.

What are abilities, interests, aptitudes (skills), and values?


This takes place on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday during lunch.

What is School Store?


This item, where you place notes for being absent or missing school for a doctor's appointment, is located in the front office on the secretary's desk.

What is the Excuse Box?


This is how to best tackle larger assignments and projects or prepare for tests.

What is breaking projects into smaller parts or doing a little work each day?


This is what you can say if someone asks you to do something that you don't feel is right to do.

What is saying, "No, thanks."  or "No, I don't think so."?


Career and Technology Centers (CTCs), trade schools, colleges/universities, and the military are some of the ways to prepare for this.

What is a career?


This is where I can go to view my grades and attendance.

What is eSchool?


This person allows school visitors into the building and helps students exit the building with their parent/guardian for an early dismissal.

Who is the Greeter?


This time is used for asking teachers for help, making up tests or quizzes, organizing binders and school work, or working on enrichment activities.

What is Extended Learning Time?


These are the most influential people in stopping bullying behavior.

What are Bystanders?


Participating in class, staying organized using your planner, completing your homework, and studying for tests are all ways to help you do this.

What is taking my grades seriously?


This is where you can go if your teacher gives you permission to make a call home.

What is the main office?


People you can contact to request makeup work when absent.

What are my teachers and the school counselor?


Be sure to go over review sheets, chapter review questions, and your class notes to prepare for this.

What is a test or quiz?


When seeing or receiving a negative text or social media post that makes you angry or upset, this is the best first step to take.

What is not responding right away or taking a step back?


Eating right, getting good sleep, exercising, and coping with stress help you do this.

What is taking care of myself?


This is where I can go to learn when each grading period ends, when the school will be closed for holidays and vacations, and when school activities are scheduled such as Open House and state testing windows.

What is the School Calendar?


The number of consecutive school days students can be absent before needing a doctor's excuse.

What are three days?


Before you start, look over the entire test and develop a plan.  Mark the questions you want to return to later. Check your answers, and use all the time you're provided.

What are Test-Taking Strategies?


Deep breathing and visualizing a place that makes you feel calm helps to manage this.

What is stress?


Most fast-growing careers are in these four areas.

What are Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math?