What is Barad?
What is Arbeh?
What is Choshech?
How many perakim do the Makkot span?
Five (Zayin to Yud Alef)
What was the original purpose that the Makkot were trying to achieve for Bnei Yisrael?
To go worship Hashem in the wilderness.
What number Makka is Barad?
What number Makka is Arbeh?
What number Makka is Choshech?
Which Makkot are we unsure if they affected Bnei Yisroel or not?
Which Parshiot are the Makkot in, and how many are in each one?
בא =7 בשלח =3
Why was Barad particularly scary for the Egyptians according to Ibn Ezra 9:18?
It doesn’t usually rain or hail in Egypt which is why this was so scary for the Egyptians.
What is strange about pesukim 10:12-13?
Hashem tells Moshe to raise his arm but Moshe raises his staff.
What is unique about the Makka of Choshech (as opposed to night/regular darkness)? Use the words of the pasuk (Hint: Perek 10)
"וְיָמֵ֖שׁ חֹֽשֶׁךְ"
For which Makkah was dismissing Moshe and Aharon part of Pharoah's reaction?
What are the two Makkot the magicians were able to replicate?
דם וצפרדע
What is Sforno's question on 9:31?
Why do the pesukim specify which crops were destroyed and which weren't?
What does Rashi comment on Pasuk 10:19? And is his comment pshat or drash?
Not one locust remained even the ones that the Egyptians collected to salt (to eat them). It is a Drash answer.
What is Ramban's question and answer on "רַ֛ק צֹאנְכֶ֥ם וּבְקַרְכֶ֖ם יֻצָּ֑ג"? Hint (10:24).
Why would Paroah want to keep the cattle of the Jews? The Jews were wealthy because of their cattle so he thought by not allowing them to take the cattle with them, he would become more wealthy from their cattle.
Why couldn't the magicians do the Makkah of שחין?
They were too badly affected by the Makkah to try and replicate it.
Name all the makkot in order in Hebrew and English.
Dam (Blood), Tzfardeya (Frogs), Kinim (Lice), Arov (Flies), Dever (Animals Die), Shchin (Boils), Barad (Hail), Arbeh (Locusts), Choshech (Darkness), Makkat Bechorot (Death of the Firstborns)
What is strange about the reactions of the Egyptians to this particular Plague?
Some people were scared and brought their animals inside but some did not listen to the warnings and did not bring their animals inside.
According to many opinions, there is one place the Locust did not go. What is the name of this place and why did they not go there? (Hint: This opinion is usually derived from when the Torah mentions something related when describing Makkat Choshech, 10:23)
Goshen, because Jews lived there.
Rashi explains there were actually six days of darkness and for two reasons. What were the reasons? (Hint: 10:22)
The first is that there were Jews who didn’t want to leave Egypt and would die but the Egyptians wouldn’t see their destruction. The second is so that the Jews could look for their possessions and jewels in the houses of the Egyptians and ask for them back before they left and had proof the Egyptians took their stuff.
Which plagues are in each parsha and how many plagues are discussed in each parsha?
Va'era (7) - Dam, Tzfardeya, Kinim, Arov, Dever, Shchin, Barad
Bo (3) - Arbeh, Choshech, Makkat Bechorot
How long did it take to complete all ten plagues?
10 months
Source: (" For each plague functioned a quarter of a month and for three quarters He warned and cautioned them (Midrash Tanchuma, Vaera 13; Exodus Rabbah 9:12)."