What is Malcolm X's birth name?
Malcolm Little
Provide one of Malcolm X's most famous quotes.
ex. Truth is on the side of the oppressed.
"[...] is the passport of the future, because tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today."
Why did Malcolm X travel through the Middle East and West Africa in 1964?
He embarked on a personal and spiritual journey.
What did his martyrdom, ideas, and speeches contribute to?
The development of Black nationalist ideology and the Black Power Movement
The popularization of the values of autonomy and independence among Black people in the 1960s and 70s.
The conversion of people to Islam.
In which U.S state was Malcolm X born?
What was Malcolm X's view on racial equality?
He preached the racial superiority of Black people while he was in the Nation of Islam but recognized the importance of racial equality while on Hajj.
What phrase did Malcolm X popularize as a call for self-defense and empowerment?
"By any means necessary."
How did hajj impact Malcolm X?
He was touched by the overwhelming grace, hospitality, brotherhood, and unity that he witnessed. He claimed that the solution to racial problems in the United States lay in orthodox Islam.
Which continents did Malcolm X visit in the last five months of his life?
Asia, Africa, and Europe
What significant events occurred in Malcolm X's childhood that greatly impacted him?
The murder of his father, Earl Little in 1931. This event shaped his views on racial injustice and motivated him to fight against systemic oppression later in life.
His mother Louise Little suffered a serious mental breakdown and was committed to an institution in 1937.
What criticisms did people have of Malcolm X's ideas and how did he respond?
Critics accused him of promoting hate and violence but he argued that he was promoting self defense.
Fill in the blank.
"A man who stands for [...] will fall for anything."
What did Malcolm X change his name to after Hajj?
el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz
What did Malcolm X discover when he went to Ghana?
The connection between racial oppression and capitalism
How did Malcolm X's family background, particularly his parents' involvement in activism, shape his worldview and later activism?
It deeply influenced Malcolm X's distrust of white authority and fueled his determination to fight for Black liberation through activism and self empowerment.
How did Malcolm X believe that Black people could improve their economic situation?
Through self-sufficiency and cooperatives
Where was Malcolm X when he gave his last speech?
Audubon Ballroom, New York
What did Malcolm X found after leaving the Nation of Islam?
Malcolm X founded Muslim Mosque, Inc. (MMI), a religious organization, and the Organization of Afro-American Unity (OAAU), a secular group that advocated Pan-Africanism.
How did the Muslim world in the Middle East react to Malcolm?
The Supreme Council on Islamic Affairs wanted to Establish Malcolm X as the leader of Islam in the United States.
What situation led to Malcolm X's eventual conversion to Islam and his adoption of the teachings of Elijah Muhammad?
His imprisonment, where he encountered the Nation of Islam (NOI)
What was Malcolm X's view on racism in America?
He believed that it was a permanent part of American society and though that Black people needed to separate and empower themselves to overcome it.
In what year did Malcolm X deliver his famous speech, "The Ballot or the Bullet"?
Fill in the blank:
"Throughout my travels in the Muslim world, I have met, talked to, and even eaten with people who in America would have been considered white - but the white attitude was removed from their minds by [...] I have never before seen sincere and true brotherhood practiced by all colors together, irrespective of their color."
the religion of Islam
When Malcolm visited the organization of African Unity conference, what happened?
Malcolm implored African leaders to charge the U.S. in the United Nations with human rights abuses. While he was unsuccessful, he traveled throughout Africa meeting with varying world leaders, giving speeches about racism, and he was slowly able to convince Kenya to vote in support of Malcolm's cause.