Things I've Cried About
My Chaotic Life
Band Kid AHH

This is the thing I cry about the most.

What is school/ what are academics?


This book-related shirt I wear often yet don't often align with the message.

What is "In my Reading Era"?


This performance-based activity was a big passion of mine before middle school made it awful. 

What is theatre?


This instrument, which I played for a few years in elementary school, led me to play clarinet because I mistakenly thought they were similar.

What is a recorder?


This potato-based pasta, which requires careful yet quick rolling on a fork, is my favorite Argentine dish to make with my mother.

What are ñoquis?


This well known and regarded novel is the most recent school book to bring me to tears. And tears of pain at that.

What is As I Lay Dying?


My third favorite genre. It applies to my new book project.

What is YA Mystery?


This organ, which can grow half of itself to full size, was donated by my cousin to my father.

What is a liver?


This major band event is one of my favorite memories of high school.

What is State 2021?


This very well-loved predecessor to Messi from the 80s is the one my mom and I yell about when playing 'soccer' with Luna.

Who is Maradona?


This classic '30s movie had a witch character that scared me so much as a kid that I cried thinking about it for months.

What is The Wizard of Oz?


This is the title of my favorite book.

What is The Wicked King?


This is the amount of time it took me to acquire 90% of my driving skills/ permit hours.

What is one month?


I hated this teacher, whom I had for advisory in 6th grade, so much that I switched to band advisory/ caused me to start band.

Who is Ms. Ruiz?


This was the year I last stepped foot in Argentina.

What is 2018?


This is the only place in which I've cried in public (aside from being a young child).

What is the New York Columbia-Presbyterian Hospital?


This school year represents when I changed my future plans to include novel writing.

What is sophomore year?


This number represents both my age at the time of my last move and the number of moves I have had in my life, including my upcoming one.

What is twelve?


This school tradition, which was my favorite part of football games, is best accompanied by a commitment to going all in on the swaying and shouting.

What is Hawk?


This is my favorite goal celebration from an Argentine soccer player.

What is Di Maria's heart to the camera?


This is the language of a random foreign PSA about babies that brought me to tears when I was like 10.

What is Chinese/Mandarin?


This novel, which got me into reading, is the only book I've read three or more times.

What is The Lightning Thief? / What is Percy Jackson?


I've broken or sprained this body part at least 6 times in my life.

What is a toe?


This is the name of the position held by the only person I've had a say in firing.

What is a marching tech?


This is the age at which I first voted for Argentina.

What is never?