How is MH diagnosed during surgery? (Signs and symptoms)
A diagnosis is based on clinical symptoms such as rapid body temperature rise, muscle rigidity, and elevated ETCO2
Besides increased ETCO2, what are 2 early clinical signs of MH crisis?
Tachycardia, Muscle rigidity, tachypnea and increased temperature
What is the only drug we have in stock to treat an MH crisis?
If the initial dose of dantrolene is 2.5mg/kg, what would be the initial dose for a patient weighing 60kg?
2.5mg x 60kg = 150MG
Which drugs commonly trigger MH?
Desoflurane, isoflurane, sevoflurane, Succinycholine
What steps should be taken if Malignant Hyperthermia is suspected during surgery?
Call Overhead Code MH/Alert Charge Nurse, Get MH cart and start Dantrolene ASAP
What is Dantrolene mixed with?
Sterile Water
When cooling the patient, where are the ideal spots for ice packs to be placed?
Neck, Axilla and Groin
What are some potential complications of MH if not treated promptly?
Complications include, rhabdomyolosis, hyperkalemia, organ failure, cardiac arrest and death
One of the signs of MH is increased body temps. How do we assist in bringing patients temperatures down?
chilled saline, ice packs
How many ML of sterile water must dantrolene be mixed with?
Where do we keep our MH cart and chilled NACL bags?
Blue MH cart is located in central core outside of OR5. Chilled Saline bags are in a blue freezer opposite of the PYXIS in the central core.
Malignant Hyperthermia is a rare, life threatening genetic disorder that causes a severe reaction to certain drugs used for anesthesia. It involves a rapid increase in ______ and severe muscle _______.
Temperature, Rigidity
An excessive release of _______ causes muscle rigidity and muscle contractions.
Shaking dantrolene after mixing is important because…..
it dissolves the medicine until its clear which indicates it is ready to be infused.
How would you initiate a Code MH response?
Overhead page, call the Charge Nurse phone